MAGA on President Biden pardoning Hunter Biden, Liz Cheney, Dr. Fauci: InNOCeNT PEoPLE dON'T NeeD pArDonS.
MAGA on pardoning J6ers: PRAISE THE LORD!
MAGA on pardoning J6ers: PRAISE THE LORD!
We must MOCK a bully NOT THFOW FACTS AT THEM. The facts have NOT worked in our favor…
Only way to take down a dictator is mockery& act & promote peace~ John Lennon
Tid for Tat.
Let it all go and let their be peace. Ready to just see the nation move forward.
Allowing actual criminals out of jail because they took actions in honor of a man that lied to them.
That's messed up. You are in a cult.
There is translated your words to English.
Thank you President Joe Biden for understanding trump's hateful, dictatorship, evil ways and keeping these good people safe:)
Stop the hypocrisy
All names, charges and sentences of the J6 rioters can be found here. DM me for the list if/when the link goes dead.
This applies to both sides.