AND.... what I'm hearing now, is their plan us to take able bodied seniors off of Medicare. As a 68yr old. I can't stand more than a 1/2 hour anymore before I have to sit down. Seniors in todays workforce have been relegated to minimum wage retail jobs where you have to stand for 8 hours.
TBI Medicaid recipient here, however, the family only went on Medicaid after my husband lost his job and we signed up for the Marketplace (ACA, Obamacare) and our state automatically moved us to Medicaid.
It gets worse, 14 Republican AG's are suing HHS to abolish the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, stating Section 504 is unconstitutional. The lawsuit targets the work "gender" so people don't know how it will really affect ADA, and kids in public schools with special needs.
Yes they’d prob call them DEI as they try to get and keep jobs to keep their Medicaid. ALL my SSI and SSDI pts are referred to vocational services and they try so hard to get and keep jobs!!!!
Near internal decapitation; broke my head from jaw bone to jaw bone. Heart attack during Trump’s first term; TBI, blurred vision, headaches, right arm almost useless, unsteady, chronic pain, and depression. Will they find me able-bodied because I like to be outside on a good day?
LOL. But…for others reading this…Those folks already spend every dollar they have to live a normal day. The State program doesn’t allow a recipient to have more than $2,000 in the bank. Even with jobs. They barely scrape by.
Maybe the rationale is that because the "president" is mentally feeble and is technically "employed", the rest of you slackers had better stop slacking and feeding on the national teat. Something like that?
My 23 year old nephew is on Medicaid. He is a type 1 diabetic with mental issues. He is sick a lot, in the hospital quite a bit and all his docs told him to not work a job due to his health. He also gets cash assistance of a whole $80 a month and was denied social security disability.
He does get rental assistance from a local charity group. His lawyer said he will get the SSI, but will take some time.... and SSI will have to pay him the back pay.
I am in a wheelchair and unable to work. My SSDI disability has been in limbo for TWO YEARS as today. If I get denied again, I then need an attorney to appeal again!. If I win, the Federal Govt takes back 1/4 of my money, and I have to pay an attorney. How do sick people fight through this. Scam.
Also, 2 out of 3 Medicaid recipients have jobs.
We need a Blue Coup and get rid of these malignant magats.
They want to work and provide and be productive when possible. Our differences do not divide us, dont let these morons tell you any different.
If Rep. Scalise wants to offer anyone a job, he's welcome to.
His entire approach tells me he is only interested in publicly performing sadism. Sick.