Donald Trump bragged about walking in on teenagers changing at his beauty pageant.
And Nancy Mace didn’t say a thing.
Spare me.
And Nancy Mace didn’t say a thing.
Spare me.
She’s too busy checking genitals in the women’s bathrooms over at Congress
Almost seems psychotic
That’s perfect! 🤣
If she cared about us she'd be opposing forced pregnancy laws especially forced pregnancies following rape
She supposedly cares about rape, right?
I don’t remember Nancy Mace having much to say about that, either.
There were witnesses. He's a witness to the sexual misdemeanours of others. All of them remain silent.
Why is it that republicans especially the men (Except for good old nancy mace,
Blackburn, Noem to name a few), think that women are nothing. Quit being sexist.who the hell are you to tell me what's acceptable. If you can't respect us for being a women than stfu.
I guess by their age and experience, they know how to weed out the inferior, whiney ass, boring, useless bitches.
I bet she likes to have sex on the toilet.