How is even 1,ONE Tesla making out of any showroom these days? Are or they all delivered to buyer's house?I can't imagine braving Takedowns to go look at a Tesla -and unlike most purchases, people want to see, sit in, drive a car before purchasing.So at some point a prospective buyer has to go IRL
This group of people is such a tyiny percentage of the population it would not even show up on a graph. What about all the innocent men and women who have jobs there. It's fucking harassment.How would they like it if there place of work came under fire.
A swarm of angry
billionaire oligarchs
hive in our
White House,
upset with how mean
the USA has been
to them.
Have to rig things
so they get more money
and more
and more
and more
and more.
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
The Tesla death spiral is a beautiful thing. Musk's wealth is strongly tied to Tesla stock. Destroy the stock price of Tesla by refusing to buy those death traps and Musk eventually gets financially hammered when the margin calls hit.
UTC Sarasota
3/29 - 11 am
billionaire oligarchs
hive in our
White House,
upset with how mean
the USA has been
to them.
Have to rig things
so they get more money
and more
and more
and more
and more.
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
With everything going on, I may be losing it.
Yes I do have auto sales experience.
Which makes ?
The most recent dealership i worked with sells T...(*'cough)
Fuck Musk: we have had enough.