I’d like to know the logistics of invading the UK. It seems like there are cliffs everywhere so an amphibious land might not be a good idea - maybe we’d go heavy on airborne?
Is he serious or, as I suspect, this is a distraction so we look over there while he robs the country blind over here. (Though if he really thought he could annex Canada, he would.) Four f*cking of years of this 🐂💩. 🤢🤮
This is why I have always hated reality tv, especially shows like American Idol that have audience participation. It trains people to think their actions don’t have any real consequences, it’s just entertainment to them now
but how much of that impact comes from the fact that news outlets treat him as credible and report on it?
Twitter is one of the least used social media platforms - without headlines dragging eyes to his every asinine utterance, most people neither know nor care what this idiot is doing.
Good point. On one hand the less spreading his bs has - the fewer people are contaminated by it. But on the other his absurd fascist efforts should be exposed for what they are.
When he polled and asked if he should just FO and leave twitter to somebody else to run, he got a much higher positive response and yet here he still is - reaching new depths of cringe with very passing day.
Ignoring these tweets is the way to go. They’re just creating distraction as Trump reneges on election promises and delivers tax cuts for the rich by lumbering the US with debt.
I mean, yeah dude. How many times have we done this? "The world's richest man did some dumb shit" and it never really amounts to anything. We're not gonna invade the UK, this discussion is useless noise, and I wish you had just used his name so this post woulda been muted
Oh, it's a little more than a blip in UK politics, though the focus is more on Musk's other BS including his baseless smears of a British MP (who, full disclosure, I volunteered for years ago, which makes this extra weird).
It's a bit different when the troll is the richest person in the world who now has a position of power in a government that's well known for loving a bit of warfare....
Honestly the best thing we can do for this shit IS ignore musk. Twitter is a right wing echo chamber. Our leaders certainly need to monitor his shit, given he’s running Trump like a muppet, but we and especially the media shouldn’t broadcast his bullshit on principle alone
Are they taking some kind of hallucinogenic drug? WTF makes them think this is normal? It’s obviously a ploy by Elonia to crash our economy and try to replace our dollar with worthless Bitcoin.
We are the ant pile and #ElonMusk is the petulant boy with the magnifying glass. 🔎
I think it's an underappreciated fact that the capital of the nation with the most out-of-control gun violence problem in the civilized world had a major sports franchise named "the Bullets" for *decades*.
Not only is it not a blip in the news but it is encouraging a literal war against a current ally pushed by a billionaire without a soul. Why do so many on the Trump train want wars and territorial expansion so much? Greed. Greed for ever more power and money.
Ah it’s just because the initial comment was about British tabloids and I didn’t want to confuse anyone. Absolutely you’re right. I guess you could throw the i/indy in there as well? Think they still publish a physical edition?
I was thinking it would, perhaps, tug at their sense of patriotism. I'm definitely not an expert on UK tabloids, so maybe it's not even remotely possible.
There form patriotism is a kind of weird, insecure exceptionalism. You have jingoistic bs like Brexit, a love for a brutal empire and of traditional pageantry. But they actively loathe vast numbers of people in the UK and it all seems so fearful. Look back not forward. Then you’ve got Murdoch etc …
All the MAGA rhetoric is truth bending by sheer volume, not authenticity of content. A tornado, as it gains strength, doesn't decide whether a house or a baby should be spared. consumed.
Why assume everyone else is slacking while you have a good excuse? This is a very conservative way of thinking. When conservatives see a left-wing protest they ask "Why are these people not at work?" but when they go on a protest, they do not ask the same thing because they know their own life.
Why are you grouping off the cuff comments into left vs right?? who says I am either ?? Think Sergent Hulka said it best during that one scene in Stripes…
Its just interesting how people see the world. A lot of people give themselves infinite slack while assuming the very worst of everyone else. So if they see a young man in Starbucks at 11am Tuesday they assume he's a layabout, but they are in Starbucks themselves at 11am on a Tuesday.
He's just killing any credibility he could have. I can't wait for a Succession-style series about a Musk-type by the writers and producers of Succession. We can only hope.
One thing I’ve learned about these people - Musk, Trump and their ilk - us to ALWAYS take them seriously. No matter how insane and impossible their notions seem, they actually mean what they say.
The replies are about as batshit as I've seen on that platform yet. The dudes really playing with fire if he's going to start making those suggestions and if I were a Brit living in the U.S right now I'd be more concerned for my safety than I would be with the daily mass shootings etc..
Simple geography would work almost as good as chlorine in the gene pool
I mean he always looks like shit but MY GOD he looks like shit.
Twitter is one of the least used social media platforms - without headlines dragging eyes to his every asinine utterance, most people neither know nor care what this idiot is doing.
Good times.
He doesn’t know shit about UK politics.
People are upset that Labour is not more effective. The same way that people are upset that Democrats are not more effective.
Musk is on the wrong side of the aisle on both sides of the pond.
“You! what is your name?”
Capt. Mainwaring: “Don't tell him Private Pike”
🇬🇬 🏴 🏴 🇮🇪 🏴 🇬🇧
I'd join if it meant fighting musk
American media is negligent to the point of being homicidal.
We are the ant pile and #ElonMusk is the petulant boy with the magnifying glass. 🔎