I got a scam job offer by email and wanted to find out how they get money from people. They sent me a pic of a check that I was supposed to deposit using my bank app. When that didn't work, they would have asked for my bank info so they could follow up. I reported them to the FTC instead.
There’s this place called “the store” where you should be getting the majority of the food you eat. You don’t have to have all your meals delivered by taxis.
You know DoorDash also delivers groceries, right? And not everyone can drive or even leave their homes. And sometimes the poorest ppl also have the least amount of free time and energy available even if they are mobile.
Getting your groceries, or the occasional takeout meal, delivered shouldn't be enough to make ppl go broke or have to take out a loan. That's on shitty companies and shitty policies - not ppl trying to eat.
If you think DoorDash is gouging consumers and taking huge profits and that takeout is very cheap and efficient to deliver at scale, you should start your own company and out compete them. That’s not the case of course but you could try.
Is it shitty, yes.
But why the fuck are you klarna-ing fuckin door dash when u cant afford it. There are a million more affordable options.
Its praying on stupid and lazy people. Who i do sympathize with. This will have real victims though.