Expect no justice. If you want it you have to do the hard work of extracting it. Nobody is going to do it for us and there is nobody we can pay to go get it for us.
I hope some other countries help out here, and maybe help where they can. It occurred to me earlier that Trump obviously doesn't believe in God, because he would fear burning in hell. If that is true then part of this could be just bitter old man wanting to retaliate on the entire country.
It's just wrong, and absolutely goes against everything I thought America was about.
I remember my grandfather telling me stories about working with the American forces in Pleasantville during WWII, how hard they worked, how pleasant but tough they were. He would be disgusted with this.
This is because our country is now run by evil people, criminals who are gleeful when they commit crimes against humanity. They are no better than the masterminds of the Third Reich and do not deserve your respect, admiration, nor loyalty.
I don’t like this and as a girl dad of a wonderful 24 year old Mexican-American daughter this infuriates me beyond my vocabulary and I speak through languages, including Spanish. Don’t take that to me that I can’t express my feelings in four letter words. It makes my heart ache.
We are keeping track of each politician responsible. They will never live it down after they’re booted from office.
“Trump” will be a universally slanderous word in 2050 — if not 2027.
I think we're finally having to own how fucking shitty we really are. This isn't who we are rhetoric is out the window. We are greedy and self centered. I would hazard a guess that it's because we are kept poor and divided, and any opportunity to be cruel is the only power we feel like we have.
This hurts my heart.💔 My god, have they no mercy? They care more about people before they're born than after they're born. I hope they can care for her in Mexico, or the ACLU can assist!
We are so damaged as a society. Americans voted for this cruelty and hate. Being in the same space with people who support this is amorality will never be OK. This child deserves so much better.
This is just awful. 🙏🏾 thankful angels aren’t bound by borders. Praying for this family that they receive the love and care they deserve from caring souls.
Even monarchs gloried in magnanimity. These guys are just scum.
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Trump has no heart.
Trump can burn in Hell.
I remember my grandfather telling me stories about working with the American forces in Pleasantville during WWII, how hard they worked, how pleasant but tough they were. He would be disgusted with this.
remember he did the same evil back in 2018, here in NC. Same situation.
christian in name only
No sense of humanity
“Trump” will be a universally slanderous word in 2050 — if not 2027.
The Hague for all of them