Bad JVL having a real rough time of it.
“Both of them have been thinking a lot about Bartell's vote for Trump.”
The only thought she should be having is divorcing her Trump voting husband! They always think it’s going to happen to someone else but not their family! Karma is a b**ch, isn’t it?
He sounds more annoyed that the process is taking too long than anything
He wants *his* woman back but to hell with those ‘illegals’
I don’t think he’s learned a lesson here - sounds like he’s still the selfish MAGA asshat to me
"He's such a liar, surely he won't deport my wife like he said he would!!!"
I am laughing my ass off at him, he deserves every last drop of this emotional & financial grief. I hope wheb she gets out she personally blames him for it all, then leaves him & takes the kid with her.
This must be so hard on him. Boohooooo
Oh look..I see spots, is that a leopard?
He’s not a good husband. He didn’t look out for the best interests of his partner and family when he voted.
Not *REGRETTING* it, not *ANGRY* about it, just “thinking about it” because they’re still convinced that she’s not part of the 12 million illegals he promised to deport.
It’s the shallow, self-delusional, stupidity that gets me.
If he is surprised and/or shocked at what is happening to his wife, he wasn't paying attention or refused to pay attention, and that's on him, not us.
She broke the law! - Every knuckle dragging maga on Facebook.
It's what he voted for.
Hope it gets fixed. Maybe they could help people not like them.
Zero sympathy for him.