It's weird to me that the American left has decided boycotts cannot work. Boycotts have historically been effective, and from what I hear people outside the US have been boycotting with widespread and largely grassroots enthusiasm and no real organizing needed.
It probably helps that most people weren't going to buy a Tesla driver and that Tesla drivers were already disliked
actually effective unorganized boycotts came in response to a crisis
Crises seem likely in the future for all sorts of reasons (climate change even if everything else gets fixed tomorrow)
maybe we should think about crisis resiliency more
one thing that is difficult about the current situation is that the right wing seems to view their made up fake problems as existential threats, whereas it's hard to get people to care about actual dangers
I'll buy from X when demands are met,
I'll use Y when demands are met,
I'll donate to Z when demands are met.
Opps do not get a survive-by date from me;
(つ°ヮ°)つ☆゚.*・。my hatred is endless <3
This is probably going to break the thread but there's an entire thread you can practice your reading comprehension on in this comments
On the other hand, I think Tesla which is sold in relatively few in number, is easy to avoid. The next question is the alternative to Starlink. I pray there is one.
I don't use Amazon Prime but that's less because I think it will affect Amazon and more because of other positive effects
It's time to move on to general strikes and sabotage.
(cartoon May 2020)