New Post: Control Weather Should Not Be a Spell
How a single spell holds back an entire field of magic plus a new character class (Tempestarius) that can control the weather and also gets a storm cloud stronghold
(This is for today’s blog bandwagon. Y’know, “elements” as in weather)
#osr #ttrpg
How a single spell holds back an entire field of magic plus a new character class (Tempestarius) that can control the weather and also gets a storm cloud stronghold
(This is for today’s blog bandwagon. Y’know, “elements” as in weather)
#osr #ttrpg
With a couple exceptions (many from older editions) it's all optimized for dungeon combat.. useless for the average commoner/peasant farmer.
A single gust of wind is a spell, making it windy for a month is a ritual, and there's nothing in between
A character with rituals, but no spells, is very plausible
Maybe in 3rd party books.
Still, I like the idea of towns wanting a caster to put out fires and put some lights on at night or boost the workers doing construction work all day.