Well Said, Social Security is our money, not the governments. They need to pay this back to us the people for a lifetime of hard work. Billionaires need to make their own money, pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, we the people need our money back.
They pay it back because social security buys Treasury bonds, which is how the government borrows money, so when those bonds mature and social security cashes them in it will be paid back.
But all the rest of that is accurate.
I've decided to take my benefit early. I may not get for months due to staff cuts, but at least I'll be in the queue. (I hope). Yes. I will get more benefit money if I stick around to 65, but frankly, I am not sure I be alive. Climate destruction to our Earth, cancer and disease and food insecurity.
We will fight for it.
General Strike!
Not for long
Would think they’d use something longer lasting than paper for that.
What are the charge(s) for them robbing Social Security and the Treasury en masse?
Seems a little worse, no?
But all the rest of that is accurate.