I'd said that bell is an unnecessary cost for the taxpayers and therefore should be removed.
Any non-woke men should be able to breath in Mars by his own means
If he ever goes, (unlikely) a prediction for t' journey:
A week from Earth, Musk executes a colonist.
He becomes paranoid & erratic, more executions, then increasingly locks himself away in his elite suite with his security.
Colonists rebel.
He turns off their oxygen.
Security assassinate Musk.
I’ll never understand how anyone thinks Musk is a genius.
Motherfucker thinks he’s saving humanity by taking it FROM an unduplicated blue gem in the endless abyss of space that’s nurtured us for billions of years..
TO a dead, dry rock devoid of anything for.. well.. bullions of years.
Any non-woke men should be able to breath in Mars by his own means
[throws brick and smashes it]
I think normally he's shielded by one of his brood.
A week from Earth, Musk executes a colonist.
He becomes paranoid & erratic, more executions, then increasingly locks himself away in his elite suite with his security.
Colonists rebel.
He turns off their oxygen.
Security assassinate Musk.
Motherfucker thinks he’s saving humanity by taking it FROM an unduplicated blue gem in the endless abyss of space that’s nurtured us for billions of years..
TO a dead, dry rock devoid of anything for.. well.. bullions of years.