We’ll just have to head to her office then. Don’t forget to take some chalk for any messages you might want to leave, in case she’s not there to…you know…do her job & talk to constituents about their thoughts & concerns. 🤦🏻♀️😈
It's funny that MLA Petrovic would end her coffee events because of 1 anti-coal visit. I was there. I saw no coffee. I saw a little assertiveness but no aggression. Her suggestion that we posed a danger is far more rude than anything that happened in that hour.
She prefers having coffee with Gina Rinehart,
the executive chairman of Hancock Prospecting, Rinehart is involved in a contentious proposal to reopen a coal mine in Alberta, Canada. The Grassy Mountain mine was originally closed in 1983.
Gina Rinehart is a PARIAR on our society and that of the Canadians. She has more power that anyone, just because of her obscene wealth. She is blatantly avaricious & cares naught for all peoples of this Planet.
Gee, what a surprise. Well, not really. Just another example of the UCP shutting down Albertans from questioning and criticizing UCP policy. Instead of listening to the members of their constituency, they cancel any opportunity for them to speak out.
#NeverUCP #Ableg #Abpoli #Cdnpoli #NeverPetrovic #LivingstoneMacleod #DanielleSmithISUnfitToLead
"We never got a straight answer about anything. it feels like they treat us like we don't have a level of intelligence to comprehend what's going on."
#AbLeg #AbPoli #FireTheUCP
the executive chairman of Hancock Prospecting, Rinehart is involved in a contentious proposal to reopen a coal mine in Alberta, Canada. The Grassy Mountain mine was originally closed in 1983.
Pesky constituents...
The Liberal Party of Australia has made an ad about its Nuclear Plan, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBqVVBUdW84&ab_channel=thejuicemedia
It’s so perfect for the Alberta context as well as Australia. The “Gina Project”