Yes it is. Every year. The weird thing today was they didn't have any of their first-rate store-baked challah and maybe it was all sold out but it was pretty early afternoon and I'm sort of wondering whether somehow the specialty->kosher->passover routine may have accidentally signaled the bakery?
Also a couple of years ago they switched to the round holiday challah for...I think it might have been shavuot? It was very weird. (And's not as if you can't have it out of season!). Anyway it's great having a holiday-friendly local grocery store, even with strange glitches.
(in fairness, this was like day 6 or 7 and I think once they ran out of KFP items they just started putting stuff back. but still!)
I am unhappy about this.
also the eggs thing is a *disaster* for Pesach cooking. Maybe I'll go vegan this year. Or pure carnivore + roasted veggies all week.