Sounds like a plan
The super PAC, which defended Trump on abortion, got its more than $20 million from the "Elon Musk Revocable Trust
PACs = Dark money slush funds
They are thinly disguised dark money laundering slush funds with no accountability
Bring it on.
The UK must learn from what we will endure...
Space rockets?
Also, it needs to be set up in a way that the Tories can't wreck the next time.
(I.e. with a 100% #Tax ceiling on e.g. upwards of (e.g.) 1m income and/or (e.g.) 10m wealth. This ceiling would be linked as a multiple to the average bottom 5% income: if the floor rises, so does the ceiling.)
#100pcTax #UBI
Move to prevent ANYbody from buying elections!
This should be the BOTTOM LINE: #Democracy *doesn't exist* where private money funds leaders, politicians or political campaigns. ZERO $£€ from ANYone other than the Treasury (i.e. EVERYone) on key criteria (membership, seats,++).
Well you could knock be down with a feather…..
I remember the good old days of the rotten boroughs🤭…. Never mind the robber barons of the 1930s, and obviously the Nazis 🫢
We'll start with Gina, Twiggy, Uncle Rupe, and Mini Rupe
Nobody should claim him as their own, save for the family of colorectal cancers.
Protecting democracy is important, but it takes maintenance and vigilance.
If you get to wealth of $999m then the rest goes to the UN or something to be distributed to everyone else.