Another clueless Brexiter trying to blame everything on the wrong kind of Brexit and not their own blind treachery and ignorance. They got the Brexit they wanted
Yet another utterly deluded fantasy piece where the writer desperately tries to convince themselves brexit isn't utter shit. There must be a therapist somewhere who can help these people.
10 years on, i'm still wondering what exactly we were supposedly "taking back control" from. If it was supposed to be the "elites", that obviously didn't happen because it was the "elites" that drove the country off a rather large cliff.
We have to make those non existent road tunnel signs, in yards not metres, work for all the people, drivers, pedestrianns, mothers, children, the rich the poor, the partially sighted!
Bonhoeffer. Against stupidity we are defenceless. A stupid person will not allow facts truth reality or evidence to interfere with their opinions. They will build a brick wall around their brain cell and then will react with anger when the consequences of their stupidity is revealed and challenged.
Melanie Phillips is an extremely useful barometer when forming opinions.
Wait until she gives you an opinion and then think the opposite and you will almost always be on the right side of an argument.
In reality there was little if anything to ‘take back control’ of. It was an illusion at best. I’d suggest the Brexiteer moves to a house full of smoke and mirrors where she may see what she wants.
Same old denial. Dealing with the Brexit problem (any problem) starts with acknowledging the root cause. There never was any plan behind Brexit. So no wonder that chaos has ensued.
Until the political consensus moves to accepting that Brexit was flawed from the get-go, progress is going to be slow.
I used to expect better from ‘The Times’ but it turns out their contributors are no better than their clickbait counterparts at the rancid former newspaper The Daily T.
Defeat from the jaws of victory. Gutted for them, which leaders did the most failing to take back control? The one's that got Brexit done, the oven ready deal people? The most amazing part of this farce for me is that the EU might have us back rather that writing us off as a basket case, beyond help
This excuse is so old, but also entirely predictable.
A Tory never takes responsibility, a Tory always blames their failures or mistakes on someone else, fabricates vague ‘reasons’, and is never willing to be held accountable for the harm they do.
Freedom to pay more for food, goods and services but get zero benefit from the extra payment!
Freedom to have fewer rights and opportunities!
Freedom to diminish the country on the world stage!
Melanie Phillips was quoted in the racist manifesto of Nazi mass murderer Anders Brevik. She’s a shit stirring moron who shouldn’t be given any platform to spout her nonsense.
Apparently she hates being reminded that Nazi mass murderer Anders Brevik quoted her in his manifesto, so I'd like to see her continually reminded that Nazi mass murderer Anders Brevik quoted her in his manifesto. That's Melanie Phillips, quoted by Nazi mass murderer Anders Brevik in his manifesto.
Who? Melanie Phillips? The Melanie Phillips that Nazi mass murderer Anders Brevik quoted in his manifesto? That Melanie Phillips? Putrid hatebag mass murderer Nazi manifesto Melanie Phillips?
Melanie Netanyahu doesn’t think we’re brexity enough! What we need is more pain, fewer freedoms on our continent and lower life chances for our kids. What a lovely human
We had frictionless trade, we swapped to trade with friction. Friction = inefficiency, inefficiency = increased prices, increased prices results in lost trade.
Same argument - revised format
We had frictionless trade but lost it to trade with friction due to #Brexit
Friction = inefficiency
Inefficiency = increased prices
Increased prices = lost trade.
Simple 🤷
Stuff like this always reminds of the covenant in the halo series. Constantly trying to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy because they think they will be transported to some sort of utopia. That utopia doesn’t exist. Just death. Not even despair. Just death.
They are complete lunatics, it was never going to be 'the right sort of Brexit' was it, because they all had different fantasy visions of what it was. It was only ever going to be the disastrous mess that was predicted.
Donald Tusk has expressed his hopes for a #Breturn. If you'd also like this to happen why not sign/share this petition. It can't do any harm to officially express our wishes and hopefully swing a debate. #Brexit #RejoinEU
"Take Back Control". Just another thought terminating cliche peddled by a policy free right hoping they can wrap a slogan in a flag to trick the racist thickos.
It's the same rubbish repeated forever. Brexit hasn't worked because Brexit hasn't happened despite the fact we're completely disengaged from the EU because Brexit did happen yet it didn't happen even though Brexit occurred . . . yet most people know it's our biggest mistake in living memory.
You mean this one of the First Viscount Rothermere (the man who gave Alexander Johnson his dress sense) and that Austrian chap he met on a lederhosen clad walking holiday?
Shame she has no moral compass.
Nope, i still don't get it.
As if it means anything?
The longevity of her career as an opinion writer is mystifying
It was entirely about oil
free for the last 5 years.
Turns out it’s really expensive & really shit.
If only someone would have warned them.
Wait until she gives you an opinion and then think the opposite and you will almost always be on the right side of an argument.
Didn't 'leave mean leave'? We did! You WON! Get over it.
Until the political consensus moves to accepting that Brexit was flawed from the get-go, progress is going to be slow.
A Tory never takes responsibility, a Tory always blames their failures or mistakes on someone else, fabricates vague ‘reasons’, and is never willing to be held accountable for the harm they do.
Nothing more.
Just that.
What am I missing?
Freedom to have fewer rights and opportunities!
Freedom to diminish the country on the world stage!
Those "freedoms" right?
"Brexit not working is the fault of the woke Tories"
Brexit does not give, Brexit only ever takes away.
Of what? The peasants?
We had frictionless trade but lost it to trade with friction due to #Brexit
Friction = inefficiency
Inefficiency = increased prices
Increased prices = lost trade.
Simple 🤷
Yep - just like clockwork.
What freedoms is she referring to please? 😺
She wouldn’t look out of place in a SS uniform