Nothing, no state visits, no fancy dinners, no Nobel peace prizes will ever change the fact that Trump is trash who not even a mother could love. That’s his real problem, but he will never get treatment.
I disagree. Nothing’s gained by rescinding. Leave it dangling as possible leverage, however tenuous. Realpolitik will be needed to win the day. If pandering to Trump’s ego helps secure a better outcome, so be it. There are no medals for purity.
Trump doesn't see it that way. For him, this would be a reward for "good behaviour" (his perception). Trump demands flattery. In this instance, he's the least deserving of flattery in this moment.
My point is it doesn’t matter how Trump sees it, or that he doesn’t deserve it. If it serves our and, most importantly, Ukrainian interests, let him have his royal tea party & think he’s very special. It’s galling & I doubt it’ll actually happen, but it’s a carrot to dangle before his voracious ego.
There will be protests. Big protests. There will be boycotts. Nobody will watch the state visit on TV. Especially if harm has come to Zelenskiiy and his family, or if Putin has killed more innocent civilians. Trump is delusional and all of the English nobility will hold their noses while laughing.
This wouldn't be about serving Ukraine's interest. This is straight up stroking Trump's super-fragile ego. Trump doesn't do anything for anyone but himself. He doesn't give a rat's behind about diplomacy, and even less about Ukraine's welfare. He's a sadistic monster. He only cares about himself.
It is and I’m not criticising him for his diplomatic skills, which are impressive. Starmer has to decide whether he stays friends with the playground bully, so he doesn’t get bullied, or joins the other kids who are standing up to the bully by strength in numbers. Playing both sides will fail.
Starmer is my MP and he has a reputation for fence sitting and a tendency to be two faced: promises one thing and does another. I applaud Starmer for the support he’s showing Zelensky, but he’s trying to do that and cosy up to Trump at the same time. He’s taken on the role of “go between” too.
In any case what was agreed at Lancaster Ho was a crucial milestone in European unity towards help for Zelensky, but without significant movement from BOTH Trump and Putin to address Zelensky’s negotiating position more favourably (more so Putin as the US can be sidelined) then we have a way to go.
You can bet the King will welcome President Zelenskyy in his military wear. King Charles will be impressed as both the King & his sons served in the military unlike draft dodging trump and his sons.
It won't happen, but wouldn't it be a hoot if, over the tea and scones, the king asked his equerry to fetch 'the sword' and there and then bestowed an honorary knighthood?!
Now *that* would make a certain Floridian florid.
I'm glad he went by helicopter, Zelenskyy's feet have hardly touched the ground this week, and a car journey to Norfolk would have taken quite a long time.
Why, we've got enough problems
Low wages
Crippling cost of living
Energy rip off
Welfare attacks
Waspi money
That's enough. Nothing to do with us as I reiterate
There is more than one across the globe.
Just saying! 😎
Now *that* would make a certain Floridian florid.
Thank you.
Low wages
Crippling cost of living
Energy rip off
Welfare attacks
Waspi money
That's enough. Nothing to do with us as I reiterate