The Biggest Middle Finger to Trump,yet.
Get ready for a marked change in Tone Aimed at the UK.
Sooner it happens the better, America is no longer reliable.
Depending what Mood Trump wakes up in governs the week.
There’s no doubt that today the EU leaders presented a Plan A (assuming USA still involved and not an actual Russian ally) while also agreeing on Plan B (Trump’s next move confirms everyone’s fears and consolidates resolve to fight without the USA). I think you’re right. Trump tantrum incoming!
Convicted felons can face restrictions when visiting the UK depending on the nature and severity of their convictions. If a person has received a custodial sentence of 12 months or more, they are permanently banned from entering the UK.
I don’t like him either. However, Charles has no filter and I suspect that he will show Trump to be the ‘short fingered vulgarian’ that he is. I suspect trump will be met with derision and contempt.
I’d vote to abolish the monarchy right now given the chance but, although I don’t agree with having a relic of the dark ages as the head of state if it can be used to raise support for Ukraine and maybe embarrass Trump, I say let’s use ‘em!
Wonderful. I always knew King Charles would be a great king.
More and harder steps to do. The world needs to step back America and from Trump’s self centred madness.
Yes, that would have been great. It's often misquoted but it's manners that maketh man, not clothes. Zelenski could turn up wearing a bin bag and it would be fine in my book.
She was actually quite the genius at sending messages through her clothing and jewellery, knowing that she's wasn't allowed to express political opinions.
Charles is well known to be a left leaning environmentalist - imagine how he feels about Trump...
This is going to turn out to be like that damn dress. Just looked online and the pictures range from vibrant blue to dullest grey! Pity it wasn't unequivocal.
I get the feeling that Trump has weakened the US while empowering historical allies it wished to antagonise. At the same time Musk, thinking he could leverage his starlink monopoly for power on the global front has only spurred state backed competition.
It's a foot shooting extravaganza
Nah, Trump mocked Zelensky's clothes with a snide remark about 'dressing up', on first greeting him. Like Trump's stupid, domineering handshakes, he's desperate to belittle other leaders.
I'm honestly not sure. Yes, Trump made a quip about his outfit, and we know he takes great pleasure in humiliating his opponents, but he didn't seem particularly outraged by any of it outside.
The hatred came later, after Trump regurgitated the bile coming from Vance & others.
I think it's possible that it was a setup. The comment on arrival and then it just so happens that the "journalist" chosen to ask the question also makes it about his attire
The whole thing was so scripted. The selected journalists, that question, the way Trump appeared to hold back while Vance did his weird, ankle-biting terrier attack, then took over like some wise & forceful god - yet which only confirmed his mediocrity.
I know he can't but I wish he would revoke his invitation to donnie. Exactly what would happen if dirtbag donnie treated king Charles like he did president zelensky?
Invitation is only the first step. These visits are complex and take a long long time to arrange.
And UK schedules have suddenly filled up. Maybe there will be a slot free for Trump in 2030.
Unless he changes his attitude, of course.
We can only hope. Trump has the invitation in his hands, delivered by Starmer. In the name of diplomacy I think it’ll go ahead. Stomach churning as it is.
I think President Zelensky is dressed appropriately, considering he’s the leader of a country defending itself from the invasion of a nuclear superpower.
The irony is delicious - Zelensky gets to meet the King before Trump does. The irony is even more delicious because Trump and MAGA don't understand irony, it's far too subtle and nuanced for them.
I'm not a Royalist but a huge well done to the king. He didn't have to do this but of course he's as angry as everyone else after that white house bullying session.
Bravo UK 🇬🇧 for the latest stated support for Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Get ready for a marked change in Tone Aimed at the UK.
Sooner it happens the better, America is no longer reliable.
Depending what Mood Trump wakes up in governs the week.
News reporter stressing that this meeting was arranged some time ago. So bloody what!
I doubt it! 😄
This is one of those times.
More and harder steps to do. The world needs to step back America and from Trump’s self centred madness.
Make him wait
Charles is well known to be a left leaning environmentalist - imagine how he feels about Trump...
What with that, and his followers being branded 'Trumpanzees', it's been a good week for less than flattering epithets 😉
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Can't have it both ways you inbred fuck.
Rescind Der Trumpenfuhrer's invite and lock up your pedo brother you red coat scum
It's a foot shooting extravaganza
Not one more American Penny to his proxy war.
Presidents not Welcome
Feed bullshit into Trump's earholes, and he just repeats it louder. I'm sure he's a complete simpleton.
Cos they really really are...
The hatred came later, after Trump regurgitated the bile coming from Vance & others.
Zelenskyy spends the the first 5 minutes thanking the US, and is then accused on not saying thankyou once. The whole thing was a pre-scripted mugging.
Janey had some bottle. What a great woman she was, and a very sad loss.
In true Glaswegian style she even high fived the police.
#Boycott Israel
•Blockade-sabotage+DIRECT democracy>EMANCIPATION
And UK schedules have suddenly filled up. Maybe there will be a slot free for Trump in 2030.
Unless he changes his attitude, of course.
Trump and Vance are complete morons.
God, I used to joke about we Scots being chippie.