Michael Gove Told Officials to Buy 10,000 Ventilators From Dyson During Pandemic in ‘Affront’ to Procurement Rules
Or should we just wait for Christmas?
Arrest him
'Rules'... Nah, no thanks.
There are clear rules for anything procured by the government, those rules were breached…blatantly it would seem.
To change those rules requires the approval of parliament.
As a supplier Dyson would know this.
No doubt he took some backhander from Dyson (another Tory supporter who pays no tax in the UK)
He literally leaves a trail behind him.
People were panicking. Maybe Gove thought 10k ventilators was a move he'd later be lauded for.
Not saying any of it wasn't corrupt but there could have been good intentions.
2019: "Dyson's decision to relocate their headquarters to Singapore" https://business-school.open.ac.uk/news/james-dyson-relocate-headquarters-his-business-singapore