Trump furious as opposition boycotts 'Elon's baby' Tesla: 'Going to buy one tomorrow'
That’ll help
That’ll help
Well, he's certainly sent enough begging letters out to the mugs.
Similarly, Trump is claiming that if the elite keep Tesla going so it doesn't look like a failure, that will mean it's successful. Great!
Excellent news
The “opposition” includes more than democrats by now. Probably also includes Republicans, MAGA, Independents etc… other countries have stopped buying Tesla as well.
I understand you can pick up used Teslas very cheaply now, since the market for them all but evaporated.
We are already but that is because of you
Going to be great watching trump not paying 30% and saying
See you in court elmo. I know I am in the wrong and if it ever gets to a judge you will win but how much is taking me to court going to cost you?
The same people who dislike Musk dislike Trumpnat least as much. So Trump buying a Tesla will probably make the share price drop even more!
That's the only weapon people have, and oh my God, does it hurt em.
Or is passing tests only for little people?
Everything Trump invests in tanks, crashes and burns.
Or maybe a tiny bit of the trading fees Trump’s company has made on them.