As a writer, I try to think about "what's the most realistic/believable thing the characters could be doing in this moment," but also "what's the most interesting thing that could happen now."
Shockingly often, violent/angry conflict is neither the most believable nor the most interesting response.
Shockingly often, violent/angry conflict is neither the most believable nor the most interesting response.
Reposted from
JC Andrijeski (author) 📚🔥🪄🌙☕️
As a writer, it never once occurred to me that "conflict = violence" but now I'm realizing this is a big part of why some fiction doesn't speak to me at all. Not that I'm anti-violence in fiction if it makes sense for the story, but if that's "the conflict" in that story, I'm quickly bored.
We've been programmed by pop culture to expect unrealistic events and reactions, so realism can be very startling.