What say we reach out to Oregon wildlife offices and ask where we can donate to the reward fund?
I'm in for $10. Imagine this amplified 10,000x. One of the slimeball's friends would turn on him quickly.
I live very close to Sisters and I am not surprised to hear about this. The ranchers and landowners in rural Oregon are asshole Magats who don’t care about anyone or anything that isn’t in their bubble of hate.
Sorry to hear about the unnecessary killing. But would you like some of ours? From a not very appropriate area of Michigan where wolves have been repopulated into rural and agricultural areas. Just a world that we all must share, but need to preserve conservatively.💖
If caught killing domestic livestock a rancher can legally shoot a wolf no? I covered the reintroduction of wolves in Idaho back in the 90s. One of them killed a calf on the rancher’s land and was shot by the rancher. He wasn’t prosecuted. Has that changed?
Montana, Wyoming and Idaho allow it. Other states do not. These animals are protected, and there are proactive ways to keep them from killing your livestock and don't involve killing them.
Are you familiar with methods ranchers in Oregon and other states use to protect herds from wolf depredation? I think some states may compensate ranchers for lost livestock. I hate to see these apex predators shot and killed as well, but those who raise livestock shouldn’t be at their mercy.
Keeping in mind that the laws usually only allow wolves to be shot while in the act of attacking livestock (meaning that animal is already lost) and that overall loss is minimal compared to lost/injured cattle, the most important deterrents are range riding and guard animals (dogs and donkeys).
Keep in mind that even if you support the "right" to kill wolves, deterrents are still more efficient and will typically stop things from getting to that point. Another important point is that hygiene like removing carcasses and cleaning afterbirth is good for more than just avoiding wolves.
If ranchers can't afford the labor to manage and clean up after their herds and separate chickens from them, the real problem isn't the wolves, it's capitalism. Also yes, some states pay exorbitant fees to ranchers for lost livestock.
To kill the lead male of a pack leaves the remaining pack in dire straits. To kill any animal via poison is exceptionally cruel.
Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Ranchers need to get onboard. I don't mean to minimize the loss of livestock, but it's not like wolves are wiping out entire herds. And you have insurance for fuck's sake!
I wish people had conservation centers too. At least they would say something about so many Palestinians being killed on a daily basis. The whole world is silent. 🤯
I understand you don’t like that, but no laws were broken. The duck allegation was recanted. You can’t provide evidence of wrongdoing. You have no case:
This is beyond true.If Oregon is anything like NY State,not only do the cops know who did it; they're probably drinking buddies with em. We dont have a wolf population, but we have issues with road hunters.I knew someone whose dad only hunted this way & always got away with it.120% proud of it too.🤦♂️
My guess is that that is the norm. So much $ always offered & no-one is ever "brought to justice". Throwing out more $ will change nothing, as we've seen.
It is terribly sad that people have such little regard for wildlife and nature. Somehow, despite our advanced intelligence we manage to create more problems than we solve.
Poor darling beautiful 😭💙😭 innocent creatures worldwide with their lives ALWAYS at risk because of greedy & crazy humans.
Humans are the worst species.
Stupid poacher killing a majestic beast in my state, hopefully they find whoever did and put them in prison and fine the fuck out of them. This poor wolf didn't deserve any of this, this person deserves punishment.
There will always be those who down understand. Wolves have a bad rap. They are crucial for a healthy land . The ignorant must be taught , educated.
Just sad I. This day and age
This is not an either/or proposition. It's not like there's a need to put a bounty on school shooters' heads, since they usually die or are arrested before the end.
I'm in for $10. Imagine this amplified 10,000x. One of the slimeball's friends would turn on him quickly.
Maybe public humiliation and a huge fine and jail time.
Ojalá haya un Luigi Maangioni en la rivera del Duero y escopetee a todo cazador que se presente
So they don't have to kill them?
As poaching increases, we must hold individuals accountable to show that illegal killings won't be tolerated.
Yeah, I'm against animal and human cruelty.
Wolfs and livestock is a no go to begin with.
Not sustainable 😐
Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
It: the asshole who killed this wolf.
Humans are the worst species.
Cheers I will use it in future.
Anyone not hunting to survive, that finds joy and/or pride in stalking and killing an animal is sick in the head.
They have a knack
for killing endangered/protected wild life to take them as trophies
Just sad I. This day and age
Put his liver on a stake to feed their orphans.
Like Donny Jr. "Killin is fun, especially when it's endangered species."
Or maybe Kristi Nome-Nuts!