A measles outbreak is growing in a Texas county with dangerously low vaccination rates. Public health practitioners warn such outbreaks will become more common because of scores of laws around the U.S. — pending and passed — that ultimately lower vaccine rates. https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/texas-measles-outbreak-gaines-county-public-health-measles-vaccine/
*Such as
- Blindness
- Epilepsy (Diagnosed as a teen. 0/10 don't recommend)
- Suppressed immunity
- Developmental delay
- Brain inflammation, damage
For the unfortunate children who die, or are permanently and irreversibly disabled, they'll be called "false flag" operatives. Just like Sandy Hook.
It's so ... depressing.
Get your children VACCINATED!
They don’t cause autism.
Don’t let those who lie to you on purpose to cause confusion and DEATH get away with it any longer!😤
Best we can do is assume that every microbial nasty we don’t want is going around and take precautions accordingly (wear a mask, keep good hygiene and follow food safety precautions).