I was reading the list and I was like, “oh! Eraserhead, strange choice” and then my face contorted more and more with every title after haha.
Sweeten the deal and put on L’Interior to finish off the marathon.
She’ll love Rosemary’s Baby. A really upbeat movie about a pregnant mom and her neighbors supporting her new child. It’s nonstop laughs all the way down. 🧒 😆 🤣 😈
watched a great movie called Society (1989), its like if the truman show and human centipede 2 had an eraserhead baby together. it was horrific i highly recommend
unironically eraserhead is part of my explanation for all this. harry in eraserhead is terrified of having a child, and fantasizes about a woman who kills sperm. modern pornography is obsessed with breeding and impregnation. i think this transition explains the motivations of a lot of trump voters.
Sweeten the deal and put on L’Interior to finish off the marathon.
Midwich cuckoos?
Sending her positive vibes 🫶
(Seriously congrats and best of luck!)
(Never watched it)