This guy in 2006: the population gets bigger, the economy goes up, the amount of land stays the same, the homeowners dominate the electorate, the regulatory environment is favorable, and the product can be infinitely securitized! Line go up forever baby; Dick Cheney/Jeb Bush 08 unfortunately.
Yeah, that too. Katrina wasn’t bad for Bush because the 2006-era US lacked the *policy toolbox* to safely evacuate New Orleans. It was cause they shit the bed.
Oh yeah to be clear I don’t subscribe to the Hooverian gospel that the business cycle is a monster which must periodically be fed the livelihoods of the the populace; just that recession-avoidance is political, and no political thing gets done perfectly.
And of course if there’s one thing we can observe in the past couple years it’s that there are non-recessionary economic environments that nevertheless yield substantial discontent.
The “Fed” isn’t federal and it’s not a reserve. It should be broken and money separated from government. This is what Bitcoin does. Google “what happened in 1971” this is what your govt does. It shouldn’t be inflicting a 6-8% YOY hidden tax on the planet. “cRyPtO” is rife with scams, BTC ONLY.
I figure Trump would try to slap Fed and Treasury with communications blackouts if shit hits the fan, but an economic downturn isn't exactly going to be a state secret