the reason that the democrats need to get the fear of god put into them by their constituents is that we are going to get one bite at the apple in terms of fixing this and if we do not play constiutional hardball -- by, e.g., packing the Supreme Court -- we will lose American democracy.
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the basic issue is the senate moderates prefer the authority to individually kill any policy they dislike (cloture/holds) than have the ability to possibly get policy they do like enacted
we have a concurrent duty to popularize and spread a plan
dems, as they institutionally exist right now are triangulators. that's what they understand from the existing feedback mechanisms. we have to show them we're not just mad but ready to make big change in response
that's why it's critical we primary leadership—we need to replace them with fighters eager to implement the radical reforms need to safeguard the republic
actually stand against the filibuster left, though? i haven’t exactly done a head count, but most if not all of those folks are gone or will be soon.
What shot would result in that??
Frankly, procedural radicalism is long overdue. You can't have only one side stick to the rules.
It also gave us Dobbs and Trump v. US, in addition to readily trashing the 4th amendment, killing the VRA, and rigging an election.
That the rot hasn't brought the whole house down doesn't mean we don't need the renovation.