Patience! The option is not unrealistic at this point.
I do not see any of this shit prevailing, because they're a lot of dumb things but in the end, Americans are not sheep. Nor are they, e.g., Chinese; they'll blow sooner or later.
I do not see any of this shit prevailing, because they're a lot of dumb things but in the end, Americans are not sheep. Nor are they, e.g., Chinese; they'll blow sooner or later.
(Not important what you think, actually. Just buy the fucking popcorn and watch the fucking circus.)
For now...
If there were evidence that maybe all those voters DIDN'T stay home; that maybe the 2024 vote WAS stolen do you think the super gutsy "opposition party" (Dems) would ever expose themselves to charges of hypocrisy, considering what Trump claimed in 2020?
There is evidence.
I'm thinking if they invaded us and saddled us with their fake and rah-rah-rah skin-deep, transactional culture almost would be better than all these insults.
I think that dog that barks doesn't bite.
My or your opinion won't mean shit when the people, as a whole, DO react. And for the record, I for one will hardly consider that to be OVERreaction!😠
And from that day forward and for the next 4 years, the Mindfucker-In-Chief saw to it that every. single. goddamned. news cycle contained his claim that 2020 was "STOLEN".
I'd call that "encouraging"!
If they had one gonad between them, the billions of people in that country never would have allowed a brutal totalitarian to run their lives. Instead they just bow their heads and go along to get along.
Yeah I fucking said it. Got a problem wid dat?
(We could do this all day. Let's not.)
My hood is now crammed with Chinese immigrants. QUESTION: Why do you think those Chinese moved here?
After all, in China the majority made a deal with themselves: closed mouths and iron fist rule, in exchange for a job.
So... was it jobs?