What's really funny about that article is it's, all but, said how much disdain Barbara Broccoli has for Bezos. It also includes this killer quote about Musk.
That's pretty awesome. All of that said, Bond villains often seemed to represent old Tory caricatures of "New Money" capitalists: clever but foolish people of low-breeding usurping power best held by those born to it. There are many good reasons to hate capitalism: but that's NOT one of them.
Oh 100%. The Broccolis have always used Bond to argue the old world British empire is still relevant. And Barbara's longing for the way things used to be, is at the core of her issues with Amazon.
Even the quote I used, wasn't just about her being ahead of the curve. The argument was she was so ahead, they don't need to make another billionaire tech exec. villain.
But if the villain was originally meant to be over the top, is it now social criticism?
That said most of the complaints the Broccolis have in the article are complaints I share about Hollywood right now. e.g. they make movies not content. So I enjoyed the article despite all that.
(The trademark "almost impossible to escape slow death trap" epitomizes this: it would take a genius to come up with such a devise but an absolute fool to not have it kill James immediately OR at least wait in the room until it does...)
No Bond is a running dog for capitalism, a “stupid policeman” as he is called in one of the movies. He sided with oil company owners multiple times, if anything he would save Bezos from an assassin
Good point. But the Villains usually are/were “entrepreneurs” at odds with the British Government. So, maybe it would depend on whether Amazon was helping or hurting Her/His Majesty’s Government.
Think Diamonds are Forever. They all think that Bezos has turned Amazon against the “free world” but in reality Blofeld has kidnapped Bezos and used the fact that they are both bald, rubbery freaks to pretend to be him
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But if the villain was originally meant to be over the top, is it now social criticism?
I’m Hungwell Johnson