true I guess, but since then she's just kinda been..there. Barely even a trait bot because I can't think of a comp she's in that wants both her traits.
Reroll ziggs maybe. Perhaps ezreal carry (but that might be his spell limiting carrying potential). Why not both paradoxically isn't great when swain/gp are in high demand from scrap/sorc players
Cassio the only champ that hasn't really had her moment to shine this set. Everyone else had a true spot in the meta at one point or another.
The only other one I can think of is Nunu. Feel like he has been a trait bot the entire set. Which I get because he has 3 traits and can't be too powerful.
Nunu's an interesting one. Not quite tanky enough to be the primary tank unless you star him up early, but not a carry either. He doesn't feel like an upgrade over Rell in Visionary, and in Experiment he's mostly an item holder for Mundo.
I was able to get 3rd once in Diamond elo by doing a crazy Bruiser/Experiment/Slow Cooker Nunu. But I nearly bot 4'd I was so weak getting to the Anomaly.
There are some Anomalies you can run to make him strong, but feels like almost no real way to win streak with him as the carry to get there.
Maybe I'm just dumb af but never pulled off anything with firelights in, actively ignore them unless am presented with one and don't have anything better to play, which is a shame as I think the mechanic is cool. (Plat if that matters).
Aside from Cassio, Twisted Fate and Loris are the two that come to mind, I feel like TF Loris reroll should be a solid B tier comp but it’s kinda just not
Form Swapper hasn't been used in any comp as an important trait. You play a maximum of 2 but what if it was actually worth to play all 4 of them? Also - Cassio, Ezreal & Nunu never had their moments as 3-star 3-cost carries. But let's face it, this set has been pretty much a full success anyway.
Snipers imho has never felt great going all the way
The only other one I can think of is Nunu. Feel like he has been a trait bot the entire set. Which I get because he has 3 traits and can't be too powerful.
There are some Anomalies you can run to make him strong, but feels like almost no real way to win streak with him as the carry to get there.
He is a good early Unit. A great Unit in family but as a Standalone carry lackluster