When the Yorkshire ripper was active, police gave a curfew to women, to "protect" them.
I think the more logical thing would have been to give curfew to men and interrogate every man that is out during the curfew.
Not religious but hear me out,
Matthew 5:29, which says "And if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you"
Just saying maybe turn that same eye on yourself. People can be hot. Its the future let them be hot.
It’s also not really about sex. I wish I could remember who said it to give proper credit but they essentially said that sexual assault isn’t about sex just like being assaulted with a shovel isn’t about gardening.
I tell ya, people can wear whatever they want as long as they don’t frighten the horses but walking home today on a freeeezing day in Ireland, I take my scarf, coat & gloves off to those young ones who must have hides like elephants wearing that gear only fit for much warmer spheres. 🥶
It’s about what a person feels he/she is entitled to by hook or crook=criminal mentality! TAKE AWAY ANY POWER TO EXPOSE HOW WEAK THEY REALLY ARE AS A HUMAN!
I once pointed out to my grandmother that maybe she was asking to be robbed because she was wearing a mink stole and expensive jewelry. To her credit, she listened.
So, granny was asking to be robbed by virtue of her choice of clothing, and women who dress in what YOU perceive to be a “provocative” manner are complicit in their rapes?
Did you ask granny if she purposely wore the fur et al b/c she was begging to be robbed?
My 5yo was sa’d in her public school classroom in very Conservative Oklahoma. The abuser confessed. When the detective came to pick up her clothing he warned me “The DA doesn’t like THESE cases.” No charges. It has nothing to do with girls/women, these men know and we simply do not matter.
Is this what keeps women from being raped? Sometimes our so called social conservatives are aiming for being the American Taliban. Women’s rights are human rights. You, men, don’t have less rights by giving all people the same human civil rights and freedoms.
Which ones? Because with every story of SA I have heard of, they always mention that the pice taking the report don't believe them because they are either: drunk, how they are dressed, who the man that did it is, colour of their skin, you name the excuse it gets used against nearly every woman
Here's my take.Men are by nature visual creatures.Right.Dressibg modestly shows self respect.We don't want unwanted attention from perverts salivating and wolf whistling.Leave the revealing stuff for the bedroom where your significant other will appreciate it.
In the #WhatWereYouWearing exhibit there’s a diaper, a little girl’s dress and old lady clothes. How were they expected to dress to fend off “unwanted attention”. Rape is never about the clothing.
I think we need to refer to that exhibit more in such convos. I never saw it personally or in full, but the knowledge there was diapers, clothes for little kids, old women's clothes. how tf does anyone think clothing matters.
Nobody ever asks to be taken advantage of.
If somebody "is asking for it" it's NEVER non-verbal, it's only when they give verbal consent when they're in a state to do so. What they're wearing is irrelevant what matters is their words.
People need to stop glorifying the blame and complete control of women and start promoting the expectation that men behave like functional members of society. We learn impulse control and personal space as toddlers. Act your age.
Most men can control themselves when they see a hot girl on a short skirt, this argument is so gross and insulting to normal non🍇ist men and obviously insulting to women (but ppl who say this don’t care about insulting women)
When girls go out wearing tight skimpy clothing I mostly worry that they might be cold and hope they're comfortable. Not once have I seen it as an invitation or opportunity.
Oh, I have been preaching this for years. Let’s put some focus on educating our young men to respect all human rights. This is generational. Their fathers, and their forefathers, got away with it, so they will protect their sons. Because we have less value than property. Brock Turner much…
This stuff always pisses me off, you can be literally naked in an oily playroom having just enjoyed a selection of seven other people and still make consent choices, and weirdly the people at that kind of party are the ones most likely to respect your consent.
I quite agree that rape is an act of violence, but from there on we will have to disagree. Violence is a loss of self control. Committing a crime is a loss of self control.
Blaming clothing shifts responsibility from aggressors to victims. No one 'asks for it' based on what they wear. Violence is a choice made by the perpetrator, not caused by the victim’s outfit. Accountability matters—let’s stop victim-blaming
Wow, is it 1988?!? Didn’t we establish decades ago that we dress for ourselves, not for men. Occasionally, we dress for each other. But, never a damn man.
A few days ago a guy posted a pic taken in a store of a girl shopping. We can be sure she was unaware and he did not have her permission. I put out a creeper alert and I think he was suspended.
What's the matter with the clothes I'm wearing?
Can't you tell that your tie's too wide?
Maybe I should buy some old tab collars?
Welcome back to the age of jive
What he's saying is, "I'm not mature enough to be in public. I lack impulse control & have no self-discipline. I'm a misogynist who can't see women as people, and I won't take responsibility for my own actions."
I really like seeing other girls in such cute outfits. Don't you? If so, maybe show your appreciation by not sexually assaulting them for it? Or implying they should be sexually assaulted for it? What do you want, a world of women dressed like men? Why?
A friend’s dad says he remembers the days pre-sexual revolution, pre-birth control. ‘Guys can’t really want that, do they? Or is it just the guys who can’t get laid anyway, and want everyone to be as frustrated as they are?’
Seeing skimpy clothes doesn't give permission for a man to SA someone. We aren't f***ing propriety. If a man can't control his criminal urges than he doesn't belong on our streets. Only a rapist or a wannabee would say that sh**. If clothing arouses them, they can go screw a sock, leave women alone.
Imagine the level of entitlement to blame a woman for what she is wearing when men have done and worn whatever they want for thousands of years. No more.
Whenever I hear this bullshit it makes me crazy. Women can dress however the hell they want to. If some men can’t control their perv behavior, that’s their problem, not hers. 😡
True. Women don’t have issues “controlling themselves” around provocatively-dressed men and children. It seems like men are the issue. (As they unfortunately usually are.)
As a former forensic chemist who worked on probably over a thousand SA cases, what someone is wearing has nothing at all to do with it. It’s all about power.
Interesting word choice, provocative. They think women are provoking men to rape them. As if men have no ability to do anything but follow their dicks.
If clothing determined respect, then why are children, elderly women, or modestly dressed people also victims? It’s never about what someone wears—it’s about the choices of the perpetrator.
Elderly, comatose, babies, people with dementia… oh, and there’s a reasons funeral homes prefer to hire female morticians, and it has nothing to do with make-up
If it was about the clothing than babies in sleeper, toddler in footy pajamas, little girls in snowsuits, and little old ladies in their flannels wouldn’t be getting raped
It’s about the men
It’s always about the men and how society excuses the behaviours that lead to the acceptance of rape
OMG! I've been hearing that for my 71 years of life. SA has nothing to do with what a woman wears or doesn't wear. If a man wears hugging shorts & nothing else, is he a target?? It's men who want power over women & men who just want their own gratification who are the problem!
I Was Accosted By A 'Pastor' While Wearing A Long Sleeve BLACK Velvet Turtleneck and Floor Length Skirt. But I Punched Back. You Are 100% Correct. It's NOT The Clothes. It's The Power Driven Perv.
Full due to you as a survivor of abuse. It IS power driven and the penalties for an form of SA need to be much harsher. This crap needs to be stamped out!
It’s not the clothes. It’s bc they can. And they can. How many times have we seen it. Rape and be King should be trending right now, if we’re being honest.
Yeah, I fought with a man I was dating over this. Older men opine that women in college should not drink because it may lead to sexual assault. I quoted my son, then a young guy, who said, "I drink alcohol, but I don't assault women."
What they don't realize, when they say stuff like this, is that it speaks volumes about their personal weaknesses, their lack of control, moral compass & their propensity to see another human being as only a sexual object. Ego, weakness, shallowness.
It's never about the clothes. Honestly, I've been more harassed in public when fully covered, often looking bedraggled. Very few times was I harassed when looking cute. Most of the time I was looking rough as a cob. It didn't even slow them down.
I think the more logical thing would have been to give curfew to men and interrogate every man that is out during the curfew.
Matthew 5:29, which says "And if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you"
Just saying maybe turn that same eye on yourself. People can be hot. Its the future let them be hot.
Tell him that's what gay guys will be saying to him.
Did you ask granny if she purposely wore the fur et al b/c she was begging to be robbed?
I guess granny is a robbery slut.
Victim blaming has been a go-to for years. It ain’t about the clothes or sex, it’s about power and violence.
Are EXACTLY the same.
I Will NOT Go Quietly Into The Stone Age.
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Maybe since clothing existed?
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If somebody "is asking for it" it's NEVER non-verbal, it's only when they give verbal consent when they're in a state to do so. What they're wearing is irrelevant what matters is their words.
a stinking, steaming pile of wrong!
my respect for myself isn't predicted on cloth.
shove your little lecture right up your cranial storage.
Women shouldn’t have to change their behaviour because men can’t control themselves.
It doesn't matter what women wear.
It's the rapist that does all the rape
So, if a guy is wearing tight pants with a provocative bulge,
They're just asking for it? 🤔
Good to know. 🤣
People need to stop putting the blame on women or the victims.
It was never about the clothes
What's the matter with the clothes I'm wearing?
Can't you tell that your tie's too wide?
Maybe I should buy some old tab collars?
Welcome back to the age of jive
Must be an alpha 🤔🙄
Men who say this are saying they just need an excuse to believe women want what they think of doing.
It's not.
Unacceptable and bad actions, to be clear.
But while I generally like the response, a knife is easier to carry (and has just as much utility) as a hammer.
It’s about the men
It’s always about the men and how society excuses the behaviours that lead to the acceptance of rape
I'm still waiting for one of them to have the nerve in my presence.
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