It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
There were full houses for Kamala as well. Accomplished nothing. No one is coming to save us. Amurikkka deserves its burn. Stupid fuking maggots. They will soon be finding out. Unfortunately the rest of us suffer for their misplaced bigotry. Dumb shits.
Yeah, last time I went to the rez, I bought a turquoise and silver ring made by a high school buddy of mine. After all these years, it's my first and only piece. The stone came out of Bisbee. Love it.
Long time ago. Was read by a lady, who at the time I thought was a Phony & full of bull. I was a skeptic.
She told me that I had a native nations spirit guide. Everything she said came true. Maybe why I'm drawn to the blue stone.
I'm a believer now that there are energies/spirits that connect us.
She is the most popular politician in America. Maybe we should poll some people under 50 about their policy preferences. Our future is NOT at gun shows and "tailgates."
We need to see more than AOC & Bernie out there. Hope needs to be seen every day. It will give strength to the fighters & questions to the cult. Oligarchs need to see they picked the wrong ppl. Leon said Dems were supposed to be empathetic. We are until you take advantage of our kindness.
Bernie would be ok with that. Bernie is out there spreading the message. Bernie is more of a traditional FDR New Deal Democrat than many Dems today. Bernie and AOC and Walz know that FDR's second Economic Bill of Rights is the soul of the party for many of us.
When AOC says, this is on us, she is right. Corruption and ignorance of public concerns has been prevalent for years. When Trump first ran, democrats chose Hilary Clinton, part of the establishment that has failed. Then tried to hide Biden's weakness, thinking it doesn't matter to electorate.Wakeup
I know we must be so so happy but …. but do you remember with Kamala, ?
It was crowded and yet … democrats lost… massive crowds nowadays does not mean that you win anymore…you must have massive rows on rallyes but also in the medias and in the rural countries otherwise you lose that’s the lesson
I think the difference is you know AOC’s views and where she stands on things. We never were able to pinpoint exactly what kind of Democrat (moderate or progressive) Kamala was going to be. AOC/Bernie aren’t flip floppers on issues. I’m excited for AOC’s future.
It’s easy to feel hopeless right now…especially if you live in a red state. Going to protests to be with like minded people and hearing her speak really help me though. She makes me so proud that I dream of her being our President 🥹🥹🥹
This is what the Dems need more of. And my guess is that as she's paving the way here, they're all going to swoop behind both of them and act like they've been behind her this whole time. This is the kind of leadership the Dems need....
She is going to get the pariah treatment like Bernie because she is openly not really a Democrat.
The democratic party will be extremely resistant to following anything AOC does because this would put most of the party in jeopardy of a major restructuring.
I think some of that is changing. Under the circumstances, many Dems felt left out in the cold in the first 6 -8 weeks after Jan.20 and the leadership/pushback from above, at first, was weak and slow acting. AOC, Bernie, Crockett, etc. have been vocal and unwavering since forever. Traction.
I don't believe that to actually be true outside of echo chambers like Bluesky and Reddit.
I think that the bulk of democrats are the donor base is going to be extremely hesitant to support reform of the democratic party as it is likely to push the party further left than they would like.
Because you and I not maga, we can agree to disagree.
I see people shifting to the left because trying to hold a "middle" when the right has gone to extremes is capitulating. The pendulum swung so far right that it has shifted the dynamics of the old guard .
Agree to disagree again. Our taxes pay for schools, roads, hospitals, airports, bridges, libraries, first responders, food safety, retirement assistance, and much more. Just because people don't recognize what they actually get for their taxes doesn't mean they aren't benefitting.
Look at Europe where tax cuts are not seen as purely beneficial because the counties understand that a reduction of taxes goes hand in hand with a reduction of government services, and in Europe those services are not limited to a fraction of the population.
MORE of THIS! I was center of the road Dem previously a Republican switched after Trump 2016. Now we MUST swing to the progressives to stop the totalitarian madness of King Donald and his concubine Musk.
I wondered about the 'Fight Oligarchy' label when it's 'Fight Fascism'. But I can see the message they're going for, and of course what they've chosen is 'F.O.'
I can see AOC moving towards VP and later POTUS. She is intelligent and fierce. I hope she never changes. DC has a way of twisting the values of people but AOC seems pretty grounded.
I would love to see her go full speed ahead too, but DC and the news plays games. Only AOC can make the call, but the current mentality of the political crowds would probably force her into VP first . Personally, I believe orange man cheated with GOP. Harris should be POTUS but all we got was POS
Please no, can we please stop running women for awhile, the US is NOT ready for it. Bernie and his voter base also caused the Trump shit in the first place. If we are going to actually WIN an election we need to run a straight white male centrist candidate, not far left socialist liberals.
I live in a catholic country that was more conservative on womens rights than the US in 2015 and we had a woman become president in 2015. Ofc a right einger but still.
The problem was that Harris’ messaging and views suck not just that shes a woman.
AOC is the most popular opposition, and shes good
Doing nothing will yield nothing. Effort is required but most of all unity. The one thing that unites GOP is fear. They are afraid of one another. They cooperate to prevent having their dirty laundry exposed. Getting rid of fox and propaganda would be a good start.
Have you canvassed? Do you think this is 2008? Obama is why MAGA exists. Demographics have changed and white people have lost their minds and Twitter did not exist
Yes I do canvas, yes I do belong to an active progressive, Indivisible backed organization. Yes Twitter did exist in 2006. That's the year it came on line. President Obama didn't announce until 2007. MAGA exists because we live in a racist country. That was the case in 2007 too. MAGA is a cult.
will do. Keep the faith WUT. Hope is always in the air. Ironically it will probably be MAGA that ends this regime. When they feel threatened or lose what they thought was being cruelly taken away from others, they will become rabid and the system in place will collapse.
Unpopular opinion
She can’t win.
I said it about Harris, I was called a racist, but I was right.
Harris’ internal poll numbers were dismal. That’s why she conceded so quickly. Millions stayed home rather than vote for Harris or Trump. There was no cheating
His unmatched propensity for lying, pathological. He steals and cheats at everything. GOP gerrymandering, and other loop holes have shredded fairness. No way I can imagine he did not have help. They look after one another because they have dirt on one another. Hope is still rising.
Seeing AOC go out there is like watching the Earth Federation launch the Gundam. The Fascist bad guys haven't figured out that they have already lost the war.
I just love the way it makes me feel when I see her out there fighting and empowering and lifting people up. I feel so much hope. We need that right now.
Honestly, the word communism was vilified by conservatives decades ago, and it was preverted by countries that called authoritarian regimes communism.
Communism is simply the workers owning the means of production.
When China calls itself communist, it's a lie.
The govt owns everything there.
For sure his envy will get the best of him when he sees this footage! Prepare for an onslaught of degrading shit, as per usual. He'll start quashing assemblies now.
While the Senate minority leadership is working w/ Israel to punish opposition to its policies, the party's left is drawing crowds for keeping their eyes on the ball.
Yes this is what we need to have in the Democratic Party we need fighters like her and Bernie that will stand up for democracy and our country listening to the voices of the people who are voting for them not brainwashing us for our votes but making sure our constitution is in tact and not destroy
We keep pushing until they learn, if they don't learn they're going to learn the hard way I am a lawyer and I am going to keep fighting for the justice of America 🇺🇸 thank you and may God help us all
I agree about cult of personality but the reality is some people can capture people's attention better than others. Take Nader, great same message but couldn't get people behind him bc scholarly, proven track record alone doesn't get buy-in. We are the generations of sound and color TV.
Bernie is a liar. He promised to pass M4A with no way for hypnotizing the GOP into compliance. Most berners have completely forgotten that Obama tried to include a public option in ACA which was struck down. Berners think Obama is a "corporatist" lol. Bernie mania is a curse.
lol. No. I’m faulting him for a LIE… that passing something like M4A was anything remotely like a possibility. Hillary mentioned this during campaigning and berniebros distorted the out of context clip into “Hillary being against Universal Healthcare”.
So, you're faulting him for trying to do good work, for believing it's possible to make real change, for not giving up on the vision of healthcare coverage for all. Your faulting him for being too optimistic. He didn't lie any more than Clinton, Obama, or Biden. He is a friend. He is an ally.
Bernie has been standing up for the people his entire career. I may not always agree, but I have never doubted his dedication to serve the people first.
I don’t think that’s really his fault. His views (which are popular) have always been to the left of Democrats. When that happens, you are marginalized in the party (though he’s technically not even a Democrat). He concentrates less on identity and more on the economics of working/middle classes.
Medicare For All is the future. Obviously this view is to the “left” of the ACA, which still relies heavily on private health insurance. You don’t seem to understand his views on anything but rather appear to be holding some grudge as a centrist Democrat whose candidate lost in the last election.
I am not a berner, but I have witnessed how Bernie,always the outlier, threw his full support behind the Dems this past electionwhen he realized what was at stake. And now he has been amg the first to step forward to roust us out of despair, and unify--not over policies--but out of common values.
Yes bernie fulfilled the requirements of a primary 2nd place finisher. It wasn't enough to undo bernie mania and the effect of his false promise to pass M4A (unless he knows how to hypnotize GOP) and now we are fighting to salvage democracy
It is so nice to see a super-smart politically savvy woman who's energetic, vigorous, able to jog up steps, casually dressed and at ease, and is currently giving a lot of us some hope. Just refreshing. Bless her and keep her safe - I fear for her a bit in this spotlight.
Interesting to realize that the Democrats went with the left candidate and the Republicans had the farrrr right candidate and won every single swing state. So what should Democrats do next? Go extreme left or or go even more to the right?
I don't believe so. Wrong candidate, tr**p won the 1st time as a reaction to Obama a black man, so naturally Democrats thought that a black woman would do better, nope. Biden should've permitted a primary, she would not have won that. Sad to say that an aggressive white guy would have won.
The fact that a progressive is getting full arenas just like a literal dem or republican presidential camdidate with oligarch millions behind them *should* encourage you.
Harris and Walz had bigger crowds.
They went to R strongholds. They went all over the country.
I want to be optimistic that the people's anger at trump/ musk will hold but unless the D party reforms itself and does more to protect the vote I just don't know.
They are not running for anything. This is not about "votes" right now, this is not a campaign rally. This is a fight to get folks--republican folks!!--out in the damn street to FIGHT the fascist and his ketamine concubine's absurd regime. I understand the cynicism, and I relate. Trying to fight it.
No it's not
It's about educating and listening to the people so that the Democrats can take back the House and Senate.
It's absolutely NOT that I don't support what they are doing.
And they shouldn't stop doing it, but people are equating crowd size AGAIN with votes.
Can only dream of crowds like this
It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
She told me that I had a native nations spirit guide. Everything she said came true. Maybe why I'm drawn to the blue stone.
I'm a believer now that there are energies/spirits that connect us.
The left fucking HATE democrats
It was crowded and yet … democrats lost… massive crowds nowadays does not mean that you win anymore…you must have massive rows on rallyes but also in the medias and in the rural countries otherwise you lose that’s the lesson
AOC 2028!
Don't just dream it, work to make it happen.
The democratic party will be extremely resistant to following anything AOC does because this would put most of the party in jeopardy of a major restructuring.
I think that the bulk of democrats are the donor base is going to be extremely hesitant to support reform of the democratic party as it is likely to push the party further left than they would like.
I see people shifting to the left because trying to hold a "middle" when the right has gone to extremes is capitulating. The pendulum swung so far right that it has shifted the dynamics of the old guard .
Americans have a problem with taxes because in general our taxes do little to benefit us. It's going to be a tough sell.
I’m also wondering, if the GOP Congress is giving their power to another branch, why are they in Congress. They should all be expelled.
We The People Have The Power!!!!!
Yeah worked out great the last few times LOL
right wing libs never learn.
The problem was that Harris’ messaging and views suck not just that shes a woman.
AOC is the most popular opposition, and shes good
Have a little vision for goodness sakes.
“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice” MLK
She can’t win.
I said it about Harris, I was called a racist, but I was right.
Harris’ internal poll numbers were dismal. That’s why she conceded so quickly. Millions stayed home rather than vote for Harris or Trump. There was no cheating
They will save us. If the old fossils in The Party — looking at you — LET them
Wear your hats to these Town Hall meetings and rallies. Show your defection to Democracy.
But wear your hats, BACKWARDS.
So... 4 Dems at least, are trying
Every day #schumer “leads” is a day tRump & Musk WIN!!
Communism is simply the workers owning the means of production.
When China calls itself communist, it's a lie.
The govt owns everything there.
Bravo Arizona!
Just lol
We're fvcked
Your broad brush stroke against Sanders and anyone who is grateful for his needed voice at this time is negative and not helpful. He is an ally.
And he is not to the left of anyone and Dems are not "centrists". Obama included a public option in ACA which was written out of the law.
Bernie promised to pass M4A with no way to hypnotize GOP into compliance. He's a liar.
Nothing about Kamala was left in any way
She literally ran (as a cop) on having the strongest military and cracking down on the border
She campaigned with Liz "Democrats are evil" Cheney who is anti-choice and anti-LGBT
Not even remotely left
Kamala won at least 6. See ETA.
They went to R strongholds. They went all over the country.
I want to be optimistic that the people's anger at trump/ musk will hold but unless the D party reforms itself and does more to protect the vote I just don't know.
The people want progress, but the party needs people like AOC who will demand accountability.
I'm just skeptical of equating crowd size with votes.
It's about educating and listening to the people so that the Democrats can take back the House and Senate.
It's absolutely NOT that I don't support what they are doing.
And they shouldn't stop doing it, but people are equating crowd size AGAIN with votes.
Civic Ctr Park!!
C'mon, Denverites, be there or be square!! ☺️