Coleman said that due to Trump’s win & control of both houses in Congress, "she felt it necessary to have legal protections in place for contraception access."
So i guess it is safe to assume that elections won't be abolished any time soon. Just as it is safe to assume that the fascist GOP will cheat
I’m 62 but buying Plan B meds to distribute as necessary.
There shall be no witch burning.
Bleeding is not an efficacious medical procedure.
Germ theory of disease shall guide medical procedures.
Miasma is not an accepted theory of disease.
faithless electors...faithless electors....faithless electors
They need to advertise reproductive rights on gamer channels and porn sites. Explain to these boys what they voted for.
Doctors are leaving Texas.
We have not been paying attention!
99 years for a person who has an abortion, but how long for a rapist? Incest?
4B is a real thing.
Eternally grateful to be in a country with access to contraception and our National Health Service.
It’s bizarre, grotesque, and shocking!😳
I love how vividly parts of it were written.
I felt like I was there, and that's something sorely missing these days with what is happening to journalism.
I hope you guys will not be defunded with this new admin.
Keep up the wonderful work!
I'll have to look him up.
Lord knows we need all the good people we can get.
Bless Coleman for trying, but too many Alabama voters think STOPPING conception is the same as ENDING a pregnancy, and equate it to abortion.
I’m so proud you represent Alabama on …
So many people think everyone in Alabama are backwood hicks, when we have a relevant minority who are forward thinking, progressive, thoughtful people hoping to change our neighbors lives for the better.
A mandatory vasectomy for all unmarried males.
There will be no more unwanted pregnancies
It can be reversed when a marriage certificate is presented
don’t put it in danger and have sex outside
I’m being sarcastic of course but women always bearing physical emotional economic burden of sex is maddening