It's stunning that they are making this argument. Not surprising, but stunning. The 11th Circuit should not let them get away with it: "As the President-Elect and soon-to-be 47th President, President Trump has an interest in a smooth transition and efficacious vesting of executive power."
Seriously; wtf is he *talking* about?
In Trump’s case, the shamelessness is vast, universal, towering, aimed at the Platonic ideals of Truth, Justice, and Decency themselves.
when crudity fits
I've observed it during his dumb show&his 2016 campaign:He is an absolute specimen of the malignant narcissistic personality disorder:schoolbooks will be rewritten to include him.I've never seen another person not having an atom of positive characteristics.
Trump owns the legal system
As a Veteran that has connects to active duty friends….he already has their backing for whatever war Trump wants
Justice sure has taken its share from trump.,Emily,Murphy&text=Emily%20Webster%20Murphy%20(born%201973,GSA)%20from%202017%20to%202021.
His brief is hostis curiae, not amicus...
".. inconsistent with the rule of law and the principles of constitutional governance."