Before MAGA goes crazy about this, Biden is shortening sentences for offenders who received harsh sentences for non-violent drug offenses that would be much shorter if issued today, to reduce disparities in the criminal justice system.
use these to justify J6 pardons
Trump fully pardoned war criminals, drug kingpins, family members, friends, & his own campaign officials.
I admire your optimism, but also...
Hoping for the #FAFO reality to start soon. Although they probably will blame any future tragedy and misfortune on the Dems and Biden.
why are so many otherwise sane people SO focused on the legacy of an objectively failed presidency?
he had one job- to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. he took an oath! they take over in 2 days
Treat non-liquid recreational drugs the same as the deadliest, recreational drug on Earth (that happens to be a liquid): alcohol.
Oh, wait... I guess that now includes half the population.
So not so good on foreign affairs.
I hope Biden has a super busy day! Go Dark Brandon!!
They assume the recipients are black people. Race is usually at the root of their behavior.
Stop thinking about their response. They are not rational people.