Call your Senators & Reps tomorrow morning, especially the GOP ones, & demand support for Ukraine. Every GOP official needs to be asked if they are behind Trump & believe we should ally with Putin over Zelensky.
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Clearly Lindsey Graham thinks Putin is the way. I wonder if we'll ever find out what he did to go against his own principles and values after his best friend died. Obviously, McCain's ghost hasn't paid him a visit yet.
Talking filing court papers is not helping we need to take our country back ignore those people are we just going to sit here & let them completely destroy it what's wrong with Democrats I'm so ashamed embarrassed and appalled I thought Democrats really cared about democracy I'm just sick to heart!
Trump was performing for his idol, Putin and news clips. He's inciting WW3 against American allies while he also deliberately inciting the American people to revolt. According to the podcast called The Trusted Banker the GOP are asking banks to close bank accounts!
And if the voice mailbox is already full like my MOC, EMAIL and call call call again. Our own democracy and national security and sovereignty are at risk and compromised as well.
I also contacted my Democratic senators asking them to issue a statement of support for Ukraine. I also recommended they set up a rapid response coms team to counter all the news being generated by trump’s appalling actions and rhetoric.
Karen is a pejorative slang term typically used to refer to an upper middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding.
Left messages last night (a great birthday gift to me!) and will call this AM. Wrote emails. Convinced people to walk into their Democratic offices and ask, “What can I do?” We have to be up and running, moving, supporting. Do SOMETHING!
My Congressman, Bill Huizenga of Michigan, is no longer taking voice mails-so he has already gotten an email from me.
I’m also sending a letter to Secretary of State Rubio to inquire about his embarrassing behavior yesterday. 🤔
Jayme, not going to name the company, but you know it being from there: Mention all the public health care tenders the biggest player in the local economy is going to lose in Europe due to Trump's Trade War against the EU. That company is the first to be hit.
Every Dem voted for Rubio’s confirmation so let them hear what a poor choice they made especially those like Durbin who worked alongside him for years in the Senate and knew he was spineless.
Trump’s hostile DOJ operatives should understand quite clearly how much prison time each one of them faces for betraying the United States and our allies.
Not one of them will convict Trump in an impeachment. And that’s the only thing that matters.
And even if that weren’t the case you’ve got Trump, Vance and Johnson in the line of succession. A dementia addled sociopath, a vile Christofascist, and a nut that thinks Noah took dinosaurs into the Ark.
To me, we are so far past impeachment. Why isn’t our military arresting him for treason. They also took an oath to the constitution. Isn’t anyone who took this oath willing to stand up for it???
I’m thinking I won’t demand support for Ukraine but rather opposition to Putin. My GOP Congressman’s office will characterize Zelenskyy as just another dependent with his hand out.
Wisconsin resident here. I have tried repeatedly since the beginning of the year to leave a message for senator Ron Johnson, but his mailbox is always full. And no one answers the phone.
We will hear a steady stream of comments from the administration and their pundits about how Zelensky must step down. That is what Putin wants more than anything. That is how Russia wins the war.
Zelenskyy is a hero who backs his country and democracy! He won’t resign! Trump is a little man boy who showed off his play yard bullying. Congrats on voting him in office, republicans! Your party is now nonexistent!
And yet, I saw on fox how they totally twisted it around, saying how it was Zelenskyy who was disrespectful. I could only watch it for like 3 minutes. The amount of bullshit they shovel is unbelievable.
If they are more afraid of losing their political life for Trump than standing for the constitution. they shouldn’t be there in the first place. They stand a better chance keeping their seats by listening to their constituents, many who are admitting they made a mistake voting for Trump.
I emailed my senator, Cancun Fucking Cruz, yesterday immediately after the bullshit. Asked him to put his big boy pants on and remember we stand with Ukraine.
trump is treating Zelensky as if it is an episode of The Apprentice and he's just itching to shout "you're fired" to the cheers of his maga audience. 🤮
On Wednesday I spoke to my Rep & a Sen office requesting an investigation into Krasnov possibility. I cited release of CIA operatives names over unsecured line and NATO mtg as proof.
Yesterday was gross icing
Stand with Ukraine. Peace happens when Russia leaves. The only negotiations should be on how much in reparations Russia will be forced to pay. It could never be enough. Trump/Vance/Musk are Putin’s puppets and don’t care about anyone but themselves. Slava Ukraini
I just finished emailing again in support of Ukraine , even though I am mostly ignored by them as an old man I will keep on hounding the senators from NY
I remember having drills in elementary school in case America was attacked after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Every American knew who our allies and adversaries were. Utterly horrified that we have so many that have taken an oath of office yet are ignorant of history.
In less than 6 (!) weeks #Trump has managed to enrage government workers, low- and middle-class families, military generals, neighboring countries and Western allies. He has destroyed America’s reputation, leadership and soon its financial standing.
I’ve called my all my representatives, gone to local protests, written letters…but they’ve swallowed the koolaid and are never coming back. We should be marching in support of Ukraine and the coup that has destroyed the US! Is ANYBODY WITH ME? Can I get some help?
Absolutely Joyce! And here’s a suggestion- every Democrat in Congress should bring Ukrainian flags with them Tuesday and wave them constantly at Trump during his speech before Congress-as well as shout “President Musk” constantly at him while he’s talking
I enjoy you on Substack but my family is not doing well financially & I’m terrified now as to our future with everything happening. I cannot afford to subscribe to all I want to support. Congrats on your new furry family member. I hope she’s a rescue. Always #AdoptDontShop
Tell them Trump is dismantling country for Russia -- everything he's doing is for Putin. White House performance yesterday was just that--for Russian TV which was there streaming!
I have called Congress' switchboard and was forwarded to Rep. Steve Scalise, Sen. William Cassady, Sen. John Kennedy. Each time I left a VERY CLEAR message about my support for Ukraine & how I feel about tRump, the jackass or idiot or...
I want to do this but my senators are Duckworth and Durbin and Robin Kelly is my Rep. all pretty firm on Ukraine. I don’t have spineless reps or senators. We don’t play that on Illinois
I am calling to remind Burchett, Blackburn and Hagerty that they squandered their responsibility to impeach and convict the first time Trump attempted to extort Zelensky and Ukraine.
Go ahead and call. But realize we need new tactics.
1. This is old politics stuff. It doesn’t play in these times. 2. They don’t care they have no morals or honor or shame. 3. They are afraid for their lives if they cross the cult leader.
But if the cult leader and his ass-men are arrested for treason, perhaps more would be willing to back that happening if the threat is out of the picture
A threat to their physical safety cannot be out pressured without seriously unethical actions such as taking hostage that which they hold dearer than themselves. Then what?
Rather, the system needs to be reset then seriously upgraded. It had vulnerabilities that have been exploited for too long. They took the phones off the hook! They don't give a damn. All they care about is power and money! #nationoverthepeople #fascism #nationalismgonerogue
I did so reminding 2 new Senators that Putin is a dictator and Zelensky us a hero defending his country. I have never witnessed something so appalling.
The GOP has to start to register that their support of Trump is untenable. Sooner better than later. This is one month. Four years of this is completely unsustainable.
trump wants so bad to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He could win it if he was on the right side working with NATO countries and not asking for a payoff for protection. That is why tRump fails at everything he does. He is always looking for a payoff.
You’re right. I knew Trump was a Russian asset back in 2015 and I was the crazy one! The common rebuttal was “we have checks and balances.” Where are they now!!!
Checks and balances are only effective when the men and women elected or appointed to keep them have the courage and fortitude to keep them. We have seen that those in office now have neither.
A lot of us worked really hard to get Harris into the White House. But when you’re faced with the richest man in the world purchasing the presidency to further enrich himself, let’s just say it was an uphill battle. We were probably guaranteed to lose.
Done - although my GoP rep is sending me citations from Breitbart “News” as a reasonable explanation for her spineless behavior. 🙄
I think most of these people know better, but they are choosing self-interest over the well-being of their constituents. In the end, this will not go well for them.
We can call our legislators, but they won’t pick up.
They won’t listen to the message. They won’t read our letters. They won’t respond with anything but lies.
The entire Republican Party works for Putin.
This is a break glass moment. We need to stop demanding answers, support, blah, blah, blah. The American people need to demand that they stand up or Resign!
That was the most disgusting display of rehearsed bullying I have ever witnessed.
JD said his lines even when they were out of context. But that other thing went right off the rails with no teleprompter.
They showed who they really are.TRAITORS
It made the world Sick enough to leave Russia2.0 alone
I am too BUT I am seeing things clearer today. MTG's BF with the "suit" shit, TASS reporter,JD there when he Never is,the handpicked reporters,Rubio.The way JD said his lines But when Zelenskyy asked if he had been to Ukraine he fumbled badly.He saw it on TV. The felon47 saying "makes for great TV"
We did that yesterday. No response from Tillis or Budd. Budd never responds to emails. Tillis sometimes responds with junk responses that are completely irrelevant. In the next election work hard to replace them with someone who cares about us more than party.
While I agree with supporting Ukraine, I kinda feel like the question our elected officials should be asked is whether they are behind the US or Russia.
Trump took his pants down for Putin today. That will never be unseen. Trump is a puppet. America needs a strong intelligent leader not a bend-over-and-kiss-it weakling
Joyce. I’m from Texas. My congressman is Keith Self, an election denying Trump Republican fanatic. He’s in a suburban red district. Safe. Calling him or Cornyn or Cruz would be a joke.
Joyce, I called all three yesterday within MINUTES if the fiasco in the White. TRUMP IS A TRAITOR, along with Vance, Rubio and THE ENTIRE GOP! Did MAGA voters really vote for THIS? If so, we are in deeper doodoo 💩 than we thought. WTF is going on? FRIGHTENING! Our leaders are EVIL!
I am feeling like I am spitting into the wind calling/emailing my red state Senators and my Democrat Rep. I too feel we have quickly crossed that point of no return for our Democracy and see only mass protests as the only way to get them to listen to us.😑
Right now, I'm glad we live in CA with senators who understand the crisis we have with trump. Thank you and Our district rep, however is a trump sycophant. Getting Jay Obernolte's attention to what's going on is impossible.
Okay I did this, leaving my name and my info, even though my husband works for the government and I'm scared every day that he's going to lose his job. This is just not okay. I can't just stand here while the US becomes the Bad Guy.
I just hope I'm brave enough to really stand up when it counts.
Ask electeds why Trump is acting like a Russian asset. And whether they believe in the oath they took to protect our Constitution - & for them to prove it now.
Where are the American Republicans? We just need a handful of people in Congress to overturn the anti-American forces that are now in power. We do not need to wait for midterms. Change is possible NOW. Five reublicans in the House and Senate can save the world from tyranny.
It is no longer Republican vs. Democrat. It is American values vs. fascism. Everything we fought for in WWII is evaporating before our eyes. The #GOP will do nothing. The propaganda machine is in full force.
#saveourcountry #whatarewebecoming #Krasnov #Trump #Democracy #oligarchy #SOS
I immediately called my representatives to demand they publicly speak out in support of Ukraine. Representative Dan Meuser (PA) has declared his loyalty to Putin. How does one get through to someone like him?
Already did. Will again. My Republican senators NEVER answer their phones. One ALWAYS gets voicemail. If you send email, you get a canned response. Yesterday, I said that and his colleagues need to grow some nuts and defend democracy. That is their oath.
Trump never expected Zelensky to agree to the minerals deal in the first place. After some capitulation, Zelensky did agree, Trump had to find a way to stop it, so he set Zelensky up for the humiliation session. Trump and Putin never intended to stop the war. It didn't work out as they had planned.
Still no post from I think the Dems could learn a lot from this fellow, who ekes out wins by significantly outperforming vis a vis voter registration in the district. Sure hopes he agrees the ambush was the most shameful betrayal yet of an ally, and can do something to help fix.
Also I don't remember the Oval Office having all that gaudy gold shit on the mantle before with all those militaristic ribbons and flags. Did he earn them with each of his five deferments?
RiseUp 🇺🇸
A Rubio is a spineless white male. Call it out.
Ambassador Oksana Markarova is the Ukrainian Ambassador to 🇺🇸
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
Is it at all helpful to call Sens&Reps elsewhere?
I’m thinking no?
I’m also sending a letter to Secretary of State Rubio to inquire about his embarrassing behavior yesterday. 🤔
If he has any integrity at all he will resign his post.
And even if that weren’t the case you’ve got Trump, Vance and Johnson in the line of succession. A dementia addled sociopath, a vile Christofascist, and a nut that thinks Noah took dinosaurs into the Ark.
All enemies foreign and domestic (GOP traitors excluded).
I said “There must be better jobs out there!’
And he snapped back with ‘bless your heart’
No wonder there is a surplus of lost-and-found spines in DC.
trump is treating Zelensky as if it is an episode of The Apprentice and he's just itching to shout "you're fired" to the cheers of his maga audience. 🤮
Yesterday was gross icing
Stand with Ukraine. Peace happens when Russia leaves. The only negotiations should be on how much in reparations Russia will be forced to pay. It could never be enough. Trump/Vance/Musk are Putin’s puppets and don’t care about anyone but themselves. Slava Ukraini
Impossible that this will go on for four years...
No democracy movement has ever failed when it mobilized at least 3.5 percent of the population to peacefully protest over a sustained period
The American people hold the cards
1. This is old politics stuff. It doesn’t play in these times. 2. They don’t care they have no morals or honor or shame. 3. They are afraid for their lives if they cross the cult leader.
Rather, the system needs to be reset then seriously upgraded. It had vulnerabilities that have been exploited for too long.
Even if they win the midterms, what will they do? Just pause the decline? We need bigger, bolder ideas, generational changes are WAY overdue!
Make your voice heard.
I think it is better to email. I was told email is retained as a permanent record. At least, it should be.
I feel embarrassed for all Americans who think that Trump's despicable and cringe-worthy behavior was even slightly acceptable.
Shame on you Trump!
Shame on you Americans for making this crap possible!
I think most of these people know better, but they are choosing self-interest over the well-being of their constituents. In the end, this will not go well for them.
They won’t listen to the message. They won’t read our letters. They won’t respond with anything but lies.
The entire Republican Party works for Putin.
JD said his lines even when they were out of context. But that other thing went right off the rails with no teleprompter.
They showed who they really are.TRAITORS
It made the world Sick enough to leave Russia2.0 alone
Trump has provided aid and comfort to Russia.
We are ALL witnesses.
Congress decides punishment.
25th amendment
“He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism - foreign AND Republican - and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
Let's keep calling them.
I just hope I'm brave enough to really stand up when it counts.
☎️ Phone: 5Calls has scripts:
📩 Hit 'em w/email:
🔍 Locate your fed, state, local electeds:
#saveourcountry #whatarewebecoming #Krasnov #Trump #Democracy #oligarchy #SOS