I am sure Georgetown Law school graduates are not beating the door to work for the fascists in charge. Martin is an extreme Catholic, graduate of St. Louis University Law and Georgian College in Rome. Guess your critical thinking skills were only a veneer. Lent is a good time for Edward to repent.
We were warned, multiple times, by multiple entities, by multiple letters to the American people. Former Trump 1.0 Admin, past Judges, past DOJ officials, past Defense leaders, past Intelligence officers, etc. TRUMP SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BE IN THE WH AGAIN. And yet.
It’s just incredible how these shameless people have infected our government and are projecting their hate and dishonorable views and actions on our universities and localities. They likely would never be able to get a position of power anywhere else.
They will cave unless we have 100s of prestigious law firms / corporations / government entities telling Georgetown that they will gladly consider their graduates/students for jobs and internships.
Doesn’t get more stupid than Martin. On the other hand, the bootlicker wouldn’t have gotten the job unless he was a soulless excuse for a government lawyer
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Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
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Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits facially discriminatory policies—meaning written or publicly stated hiring bans—are illegal even if no one applies. Any qualified law student at Georgetown or faculty member whose DEI curriculum is targeted can file a lawsuit as a plaintiff.
Fellow Americans! Remember, Trump is NOTHING without his spineless, traitorous, cowardly, corrupt, and self-serving Republican enablers—Senators, Congress members, and Supreme Court justices.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
A form of government is just a collective of ideas of our personal beliefs.
1/ Democracy is governance by and for the people (aspirational).
2/ Plutocracy is governance by the wealthiest 1% of this country.
Russia is no more communist than the moon is made of cheese. Russia and Trump Inc are #2.
There will always be people willing to throw babies into gas chambers to gain favor. Hitler put mediocre men in positions of authority so he could control them. Ed Martin is both of these.
The ABA is not a licensing authority. My state’s licensing authority would be responsible for attorney discipline. With that being said, I don’t know why these licensing authorities are not stepping up. The ABA guidance is crystal clear. What were these ethics rules for if not now?
When you cut through the BS and replace the irrational fear of DEI with N*gger, it powerfully shifts your perspective. I find that a lot of individuals who don't want black people in their workspace typically don't want women there either. Call a spade a spade.
THANK YOU! I was thinking the same thing, who tf would want to work for these cock holsters! They're not going to hire an underling that would be smarter & more ethical than they are. They want ignorance and loyalty.
Why do so many of the intelligensia share this very opinion?
Oh, Yeah. Because he's a scheisster. A poser who has an agenda set by a few, designed to profit a few & screw the average American.
Hmmm. Another day in Trump-mar-a-loco-land.
Buy your citizenship here!!!
DEI is about fairness, opportunity, and inclusion for ALL. Attacks on these principles, driven by white supremacist views, harm everyone —from women, minorities , African American and those with disabilities. We must stand firm in creating equal opportunities for all. #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion”
It’s too bad higher ed isn’t united more. So many have vast endowments and like unlimited access to lawyers and alumni. I can’t think of a more powerful group if they spoke with one voice on free speech and expression. Why consent in advance? Even if you like them why give up power you don’t have to
When the suit is brought to court, the judge should order martin to appear before him and show cause why he should not be placed in jail for disobeying the orders of the court!
Good you POS I don’t think any intelligent individuals want to be around you …. You fu#king fake news making POS … Ed just admit it you cheated in law school your a fake like Rumproast
Shush. Let him hire dumb people! Hell, I hope he hires “Fanta Fuhrer University” people. So when their skills are required they lose because they can’t do any better.
By NOT hiring from schools with "DEI" programs that offer educational opportunities to women, poc, & minorities. These impotent white males are creating explicit pockets of DEI employees. Imagine writing on your resume' that you once worked for the MAGAt felon. I wouldn't f-ing hire you.
Martin seems to think refusing to hire from any school w/DEI is some sort of threat.It is discrimination of course, but not sure it is the negative he thinks it is.Who, in their right mind, would want to work for a person who so blatantly violates his oath to the Constitution or for a regime known
for its criminality & inhumanity? Seriously, who wants to align themselves with the Nazi 2.O regime in the first place? Or one that is so oblivious to its own stupidity? (Referencing the recent terminations of so many key personnel at our gov agencies).
Bondi is a puppet herself, so she’s just sitting idle until she gets a hand stuck-up her backside.
…without a care in the world as they all are swimming in unconstitutional and unconscionable acts.
Hmm - What he really means is he only wants to hire white men. Maybe he can find a mail order school to hire lawyers from. That should enhance the quality of the Justice department.
She was DEI all the way.
Mr “im your prosecutor and defense attorney”
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
#PresidentMusk #FirstLadyDonaldTrump #StopFascism
1/ Democracy is governance by and for the people (aspirational).
2/ Plutocracy is governance by the wealthiest 1% of this country.
Russia is no more communist than the moon is made of cheese. Russia and Trump Inc are #2.
With your tax money.
Oh, Yeah. Because he's a scheisster. A poser who has an agenda set by a few, designed to profit a few & screw the average American.
Hmmm. Another day in Trump-mar-a-loco-land.
Buy your citizenship here!!!
The female family members of these hateful white men should all kick them in the balls!
This is what ‘pausing intelligence’ looks like this is withholding aid …
No schools just dead people and a ruined country that need the tools to fight a dictatorship
And the same in all the other suits!
Opens up the DOJ to enormous lawsuits.
Just a thought..... 🤔
…without a care in the world as they all are swimming in unconstitutional and unconscionable acts.