Actually no. There are no questions about this. A court order is a court order.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
"There are actually questions about whether a verbal order carries the same weight as a written order" -- Leavitt on court orders and Trump's compliance (or lack thereof) with them
Oh you are right, oops.
And the plains could have been turned back, just like the ones that they ordered to turn around that carried aid to Ukraine!🔥
Psychologically in a very dark place.
Too much discussion starts as "OMG, did you see what Trump did?!" in a manner that cedes authority merely by the framing of the question.
A simple "Bullshit" is more often appropriate (among other choice phrases...).
There are soo many questions! It's so "complexicated" that there are no thoughts or words that can convey the meaning of verbal versus written.
Experts are literally losing their minds over this as we speak!
Here's were we are gushy shit happen with delay tactics with everything! Whether or not it was signed it was verbal this is the bullshit we are pissed about so the lawyers will take months to figure it out!
Lock him up finally !
As a rather famous guy once wrote: “Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of the Ministry of Truth came back to him: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”
Congress and the SCOTUS have failed us repeatedly.
"There are questions coming specifically from the President because he's chomping at the bit to weaponize our government against his personal enemies and Putin's."
And is proud of it.
Can anyone identify any remaining differences?
Thank you.
Yep, the court so ordered. No question about it.
They may get the day in court that they deny to others.
Over the years many people thought they were above the law.
“Precious Leader does not have to obey a federal judge “
can't !
What is Barbie 16 years old.
He lost his license because of Rump. I am sure Rudy will still give him sound advice once his hair dye dries…
Vance said, reference a Supreme Court ruling, "The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it."
Trump/Vance plan on doing anything they want, illegal or not.
But SCOTUS gave a criminal/Trump a green light to do whatever he wants.
I’ve a bigger question.
Who are the masked DOGE cops?
The proud boys & 3%ers?
Someone needs to look into that ASAP!
Pug smug casting.
Good values…
The worst & dumbest WH Presser ever of Maniac47's team. She makes Sarah Kacklberry Slanders look like a Rhodes Scholar.
They won’t be able to vote their way out of this one.
You have no power. You now have no rights. You’ll soon have no vote.
“Well, we’ll lose access, then what?”
You go on TV every single day and tell your audience that Trump is a coward that is afraid of your questions.
Everyone wins.
Following Dear Leader blindly.
Breaking norms and laws to curry favor.
Gleefully being cruel.
Excusing every lie and mistake.
Sounds pretty culty to me.
She wears it but rejects the Love and compassion it represents to the faithful
Just as they all wear flag pins while despising the Constitution
Everything is surface level performance for them
And that's assuming she wants to work outside the home, since she admires the role of trad wife.
Because written orders are just as verbal as oral orders.
Or maybe she is proving her incompetence at forming legal opinions?
Add the conditions where they are being held and tell me this isn’t nazi tactics. And without due process.
She talks like she the head cheerleader & dating the prom king quarterback while getting a new car from her dad. Eye roll.
White privilege Barbie.
She may think her smarty pants attitude is thick skin - she'll soon find out after Trump is gone that she is unemployable anywhere except Fox News, where arrogance and a snotty persona is required.
She is an ignorant asshole, how can she NOT have questions?
If you are an idiot, then yes; you might have questions.
But then I've never seen a prosecutor in person I can respect. They never seemed all that concerned with justice.
Morality was their weapon for others, ethics a shield to avoid accountability
Suit was filed. Simple as that.