4/If you want to be ready to push back when someone says to you, “but they’re just thugs,” sign up for my newsletter where we work through the legal implications of what the Trump administration is doing & why it matters for all of us. https://joycevance.substack.com/
Ma anche se fossero delinquenti, sono comunque esseri umani.Io penso che l'unica colpa di quelle persone sia di essere "stranieri".
But even if they were criminals, they are still human beings. I think that the only crime of those people is being "foreigners".
a petty or small-scale swindle
to get money by cheating someone
How exactly is this a grift?
But you're sure that YOU would never be denied due process. Right? No, it could NEVER happen to you! Right? Right.
🇺🇸 is the country of the laws.
You might lose your rights tomorrow because of Trump Regime!
If the government can deny due process to anyone, it can deny due process to EVERYONE, ans sooner or later that will include you or someone you care about.
Sending them to a private prison in a foreign country is a violation of the 8th Amendment's cruel and unusual punishment.
The government can not deny anyone their constitutional rights!
How do we know they were "Violent criminals"?
There is no evidence other than a white supremacist's declaration.