This won’t end well. When Jeff Sessions tried this in 2017 he ended up with a handful of cases in North Carolina, most of them misdemeanors & ultimately dismissed. bottom line: voter suppression is the problem, not fraud.
Not 30 people at a tesla dealership. Where are the politicians? What im seeing is everyone handing over the country to russia. Unreal.
“ voter suppression is the problem, not fraud”
Voting is a right, a privilege, a duty.
This is no longer impossible. Reckon with it.
It’s about “you’ll never have to vote again” like the orange twatwaffle promised during the campaign.
Sure, it could have just been his dementia and he can’t keep his lies straight.
Or it could definitely have been his dementia and he just confessed.
We should check it out.
Example: minute 3:05 at
Listen for this:
"And then what happened is they rigged the election and I became President, so that was a good thing."
It didn’t work on 2017 but can totally work today. Republicans have had 8 years to work on a plan.
They’re implementing it all now.
Trump’s promise that this would be the last vote.
And that little secret weapon he alluded to having cooked up with Mike Johnson.
If anyone stole an election, it was that unholy crew of felonious treason weasels.
Pay attention to how he works.
2026 is coming up!
See the connection?