Just occurred to me that Disney's probably gonna mandate Marvel start phasing out their queer superheroes in the long term, blaming them for sagging sales and low return on investment.
2) this is a succinct possibly with everything going on rn, and it would be depressing as fuck
3) how DARE you
You'll just stop seeing the new characters.
Dunno how to say "hey maybe check it out" without supporting Disney so, hey, check out this neat thing I guess.
"Escapade can instantaneously switch physical locations with another person or trade any specific physical or abstract attribute, such as possessions, organizational status, skills, superhuman powers, etc."
As a huge fan of the original Avengers Academy (Hazmat 🥰) I was always a bit sad the original characters for the most part got kinda dropped and forgotten. I guess Hazmat got to pal around with Captain Marvel a bit, but I still think she's underutilized.
Also there was a crossover with the Runaways that was fun
Also love that panel. My two faves meeting.
(I haven't actually read the new series I just read the first Avengers Academy cause X-23 was in it and I like X-23 because she was a genderswapped Wolverine and I didn't really focus on why I liked a young female version of a main character so much until way later)
Ooohhh nnoooo look at that, the queers get the treasure planet treatment, guess we'll never make another one of those. The market has spoken
And it'll happen fast, backsliding is always far quicker then progress.