The thing I love about Nina Simone is that she will sing until within an inch of losing control, her voice occasionally cracks and she veers off pitch, but I believe every. single. word. she sings. Unlike, say, Ella Fitzgerald, who is always in complete control. Perfect, but never interests me much.
Goodness, I love listening to Nina Simone. Her voice is like...
Like sitting in a soft, comfortable chair in front of a cozy fire with a glass of a good sipping drink, on the rocks for a bit of *clink clink* to add to the atmosphere.
Her voice is very warm but my fav songs of hers are just so influenced by how cold the 60’s made her feel. I love her romantic stuff but after listening to nuff said, specifically a track like “the king of love is dead” it really makes you stand still. Theres nothing else in the room but that song.
I was just listening to that song last night, following Miles Davis' version (ghostly), following Keith Jarret's version (candle-lighted). All three wildly different, all three amazing products of humanity ...
Bill’s bass player Scott LaFaro died aged 25 in a car crash less than 2 weeks after they had recorded the song live…after Bill only played the song as a piano solo…enjoy the moon!
Ah, poignant! That'll definitely drip a layer of melancholy over a song already reverberant with it. Somewhat similarly, Keith Jarret's version is solo piano, and just incredibly stirring, as he was fighting against a chronic illness, almost too weak to play the piano, so every note really counts
Like sitting in a soft, comfortable chair in front of a cozy fire with a glass of a good sipping drink, on the rocks for a bit of *clink clink* to add to the atmosphere.