For sure. Technology has been evolving exponentially. Unfortunately, humans, not nearly as fast. I don’t think today’s cultural decide would exist in a pre-internet/social media world.
The median age in Nassau County is 43.3, which is older than the national median age of 38.1 which means an aging population that tend to vote conservative. They also think DT is one them, being born in nearby Queens Jamaica Estates, an affluent and predominately white neighborhood.
I think I read in the past year they outlawed wearing masks (medical). This surprised me because I lived in Oceanside back in the 70's and I didn't think the area would be so reactionary.
Also an indication of how far Cobb Co has come, populationwise, since 1992: its (outnumbered) Republican voters are now a bigger population than ALL voters in 1992.
I always think of 9/11 as the real end of the 20th century (for the main reason that I had just moved to Manhattan in September 2001 - so it felt very real). But it's now a while ago. There are millions of college graduates born after that date!
To me (42 years old) the demarcation is circa 2008. Trying to explain what the world pre-mass adoption of smart phones and social media was like to young adults feels impossible.
One thing I now notice in watching a 2005-7 film set in NYC is that it all looks highly familiar, but the handheld devices seem antediluvian. Michael Clayton and its ugly blackberries. Devil Wears Prada and its flip phones. And Julie and Julia too.
Yeah, I was thinking recently that the "modern age" basically began with a 15-month period from summer 2007 to fall 2008: Apple releases the first iPhone, GFC, Iron Man debuts (the beginning of our Forever Franchise era of media), Obama wins election.
Somewhere in that era you have social media starting to play a significant role too, not just being a niche activity for young people. Amazing in retrospect how many transformative things happened around then. You could add the financial crisis and how that undermined institutions and confidence too
Oh yeah, GFC stands for Global Financial Crisis. And you're right about social media accelerating around that time, although w/o a particular milestone I can point to (was going to say Facebook not requiring a college email address to join, but that was in September 2006).
Yes. Also 2019 now feels like it was 10 years ago and 2021 feels like it was last week. Everything that has happened since the COVID reopening feels like it was a single month.
Friend bought an old battered Mercedes back in 80s. Old sedan 59s. Frame broke. Couldn’t get a license. Couple years later became an antique. No problem. Licensed as an antique.
Took my ‘99 Accord in for emission and was told it was too old and no longer needed it (being 25 years old at the time). Saving $25 a year, what a high every February.
Everyone wondering when WWIII starts: and we're running a couple proxy wars already: as the Korean peninsula heats-up
Started out a bit slow, but 21st c. just beginning to get hot.
Lookout, Grandpa: gonna beat your WWII stories yet
(Replacing the 23 year old alternator and fixing a power steering leak. Kids are finally old enough to help out!) for 2.7t content ;)
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