They remarked a lot that they were good collaborators cuz they were in different time zones, so could send drafts back and forth without talking to each other, each working while the other slept/rested. So I am thinking if anyone close to NG was in a position to honestly not know, it was TP.
I doubt it, they collaborated a long time ago, & grooming isn't just for victims. Pratchett didn't stand for a wavering in morals, this would have made him go nuclear.
Which in a way, it's sad we didn't get. He'd have summed it up in a single line, utterly destroying him without mentioning his name.
This is really important. We think of grooming as being what predators do to their victims, but they also groom the people around them to think they’re wonderful, trustworthy people. That’s how they get away with so much.
I hate that this even casts a sliver of a shadow of a doubt on Pratchett.
I have to admit that it was one of my first thoughts when the story broke, but I really can't believe anything other than he was as deceived as the rest of us.
I think John Scalzi has provided us a look into how Terry might have reacted, being another stand-up guy who was friends with him. He's horrified, shocked, seems disturbed to have had no idea, accepts he's going to take flak for that, but still reminding everyone not to pull focus from the women.
Pratchett would have been both heartbroken and incandescent with rage about it. It's the only time I've ever been ...not glad of, but not disappointed that Pratchett is gone. Like... I'm glad that he didn't have to death with the emotions of finding this out (while not a younger man).
I wonder as well. Given the tone of the article, I think Gaiman hid his “proclivities” from Pratchett, who would not have approved. Just such a sad situation. Another artist ruined for me. 😡
Literally the first things I heard about NG was that he was taking over from Alan Moore and had an open marriage (his first). So was not surprised about his 2nd open marriage. I’m just a nobody so I assume it was common knowledge. Pratchett was “the most married man you ever met” so I doubt he knew
I’d doubt it. For one thing, they worked together back before Gaiman was a powerful industry figure, so he hadn’t had the chance to really go off the rails yet.
Which in a way, it's sad we didn't get. He'd have summed it up in a single line, utterly destroying him without mentioning his name.
I have to admit that it was one of my first thoughts when the story broke, but I really can't believe anything other than he was as deceived as the rest of us.
They’ve been groomed to be just that: advocates.