Who would make a better game?
A. An artist with no coding skills
B. A programmer with no art skills
A. An artist with no coding skills
B. A programmer with no art skills
So B.
So you are more of a “gameplay first” person.
Earth Worm Jim was a very artist first game. It has bad hit boxes, weird level design, etc.
Dwarf Fortress had no non ASCII art for like 10 years and did very well.
From this I can say good art gets you eyes and attention, good gameplay makes the game sticky and memorable.
Minecraft endured because it let people create, which is a huge caveat. I'm still confused by people's fascination with Steve though.
You’ve got my attention!
Can’t wait to see it
Though having art on top can be easier to market.
But probably A.
Conversely there are a number of games with very basic functionality (puzzle games and “zen” games), but incredible art.
But I think both are of equal importance, typically
It’s a 50/50 split for sure
The beauty of Gamedev haha
B: Rogue
— Yours truly, a programmer with no art skills ♥️
It's totally possible to make a great game with simple art.
It's very hard to make any game if you don't know how to code at all. Even the "no-code" engines still require a specific mind set and knowledge of maths and logic ordering that artists may not have.
Lots of writers make interactive fiction with stuff like Twine
I can pull from asset stores and learn enough about the production pipeline to make whatever edits I need.
It’s worth mentioning I am an artist with no coding skills who game devs as a hobby lol
Good code != good design/mechanics, but it can unlock greater complexity.
I think you need good design to make complexity fun, though
Still, the best game would be made if they teamed up.
Not sure what a game looks like without coding though
Are there more examples?
I see your point
A game with deep mechanics that is finely tuned? Programmer likely takes that.
Being in a duo team myself (I'm the programmer and my partner is the artist), it hinges on the kind of game you're making.
Never heard of Candyland, will check it out.
Even if it’s “bad” it’s consistent.
Creating consistent art requires skill too
The art is good, but you can do with basic icons if you need.
Gameplay requires at least some coding.
A programmer is more likely to make a game of systems, an artist is more likely to make a game of ideas
This is a very balanced answer
Is that all built with no-code gaming stuff?
As a programmer I believe it’s not very complex.
The mechanics do look pretty simple, but I have no idea how much of this kind of stuff can be done with literally no code.
I think the specifics of that game stuff is outside the scope of the question.
Artists will have to produce code *in some form* in order to produce a game (I am assuming we are talking about computer games).
Coding takes significantly less time to learn rather than drawing, depending on what game is to be made.
Visual novel? Artist no diffs.
Anything else? Programmer might make the graphics stupid as shit but still make a better game.
Fair point
But I'm also an artist on a game, @megaknockdown.com, that had a following before I ever got there.
I’m a programmer and the reverse is the case.