Trump and Musk tried to cut funding for fighting childhood cancers.
They care more about themselves — and their billions — than helping kids who are DYING FROM CANCER.
THAT is what MAGA stands for — the rich get richer, the rest of us can go die.
They care more about themselves — and their billions — than helping kids who are DYING FROM CANCER.
THAT is what MAGA stands for — the rich get richer, the rest of us can go die.
money 🔄 power.
The closer money and power get, the more #democracy degenerates into #oligarchy, and when they merge, into a #mafia-state.
We can't reach Trump's voters through the media ....
Welcome to the trenches
Steal funds from children's cancer charity.
This is what we know now, how low they will go.
We will assuredly learn more in the future
Because THIS is who they are.
Taking from the poor to give to the rich.
* God protects the righteous, so we don't have to worry about cancer?
* We prefer children who don't get cancer?
Full godamn DerP at this point and disgusted with alllllll ya'all🤨
Have faith in our democracy. It may be one step forward two steps back or vice two steps forward and one step back. Have faith, our democracy is resilient and it will survive
Get (more and more)
Also Trump: “I like kids that don’t get cancer.”
#VicePresidentTrump #PresidentMusk #MAGA