BREAKING -- Fed forecasts possible RECESSION
US GDP now forecast to go DOWN by 1.5% in Q1 2025. If we have 2 negative quarters in a row, that's an official recession.
Why? Exports are down - and so is consumer spending. BOTH due to worries over Trump's TARIFFS and HIGH COSTS.
US GDP now forecast to go DOWN by 1.5% in Q1 2025. If we have 2 negative quarters in a row, that's an official recession.
Why? Exports are down - and so is consumer spending. BOTH due to worries over Trump's TARIFFS and HIGH COSTS.
That will take about a 30% chunk out of the US's export market...
This is going to be that exponentially...Our exports, read weapons, are going to come to a halt.
The fascist crash is coming as all pretense of serving and protecting regular Americans is dead.
Republicans work only for the filthy rich and Putin.
The rest of us get:
For the time being we are helping you to get rid of that terrible, orange, bully.
The made in the USA brand is definitely in the trash now.
Evil Empires implode because they believe they don’t need others.
The failure is the point.
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
But as usual he didn’t think it through beyond his lizard brain level money/power grab wants. It’s like he’s playing chess, but doesn’t realize there’s another player who can move on the board.
We the People have more than they—or We!—realize.
Ahora se prevé que el PIB de EE.UU. caiga un 1.5% en el primer trimestre de 2025. Si tenemos dos trimestres negativos seguidos, será una recesión oficial. La razón? 1/2
We were too complacent for too long; we have too many illiaterates in this country with no thinking capabilities & we were ripe for evil to win
And yes, it is absolutely cold hearted. I'm done with civility. When they go low, I want to go lower.
They must be so proud.
Oh, Trump is president? That explains it.
His policies are making it worse.
Just like 08 and it will be worse than 29
& Biden - who faced challenges not of his making - left a resilient, strong economy
MAGA you & our DEM lawmakers did this
But the libs got owned so it’s worth it.
Spending is good for the Felon in Chief.
It is a two for one:
Help yourself, and hurt #FOTUS.
I know so many who "stocked up", "shopped ahead" in prep for this joke of an administration.
We knew what was coming.
The purse is closed for 4 years...unless we get lucky enough to get rid of the problems before then!
Wonder if either of our f€lons in chiefs have ane taken up the Violin - to fiddle with Nero ...
Oh baking, to make cakes with with Marie Antoinette ?