BREAKING -- Elon Musk is donating another $100 MILLION to Trump
THAT is why Trump did the Tesla publicity stunt for Musk
The whole thing is a CORRUPT quid pro quo
Trump is 100% for sale to the highest bidder -- and right now that bidder is Musk
THAT is why Trump did the Tesla publicity stunt for Musk
The whole thing is a CORRUPT quid pro quo
Trump is 100% for sale to the highest bidder -- and right now that bidder is Musk
Trump will lose it all in a month.
One stone, 2 birds
'El0n Mu$k's purchase of Twitter was financed by borrowing money
He used his #Tesla stock as collateral
If Tesla stock keeps crashing, the banks/creditors could repossess #X
THAT is why El0n is panicking - and why he pushed R0nald to do the disgusting White House car show'
Krasnov buys Depends..... your move Depends.
Trying to not get caught might suggest some sensitivity to legal, ethical behaviors, which would be surprising.
I'm sure pootin has tapes on him, too.
Muck needs to "renew his commitment to the cause"
or something?
A huge ugly Muskrat has invaded our federal agencies & is feeding off of taxpayer dollars. It is destroying government records.
We are seeking a pest control company to remove it ASAP.
Tesla will crash and burn.
Call them and demand they do.
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-224-3121
TTY: 202-225-1904
Call the White House
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Republicans are just watching him dismantle our country.
They had BETTER be fucking scared.
They had BETTER take us ALL out in one fell swoop, cuz most dangerous thing is someone who has NOTHING left to lose.
All it takes is ONE to start shit.
Two slimebags.
What i cannot reconcile, emotionally-intellectually-spiritually is WHY we surrendered our position in light of the civil strife (war) to come.
Plus, he’s not buying those Teslas. It’s all bunkus since Musk is losing in the stocks and great people across the nation are protesting! Yassss! ✌🏼👍
Moot point. More free money to tRump