thank you so much! He doesn't do much thinking before he acts, haha. I love drawing panels where Dachi is being goofy so much. He has such a fun face to draw. 🥴
This is such a great page. I really like how zoomed in and close we are with Levi. I think it helps emphasize just how much of a big move this really was for him. Great work!
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but the faces you've drawn are very expressive and cute! Thanks for another lovely page. I look forward to more :)
Loving this comic so far 😄👍
Also love Levi’s Wendy Torrance face lmao
Page 20 now uploaded to my Patreon, which means here's page 17
(singing) Go on and kiss the boy
*Suteki da ne intensifies~*
AAAaaaahhhhh!! It's happening!
Yes! Yes! YES!
Some more lovely expressions too!
Oh I'm so excited for these two 💖
Great work!
(Also I hope it's not actually a dream! 😱)
It fills my heart right up❤️
The face expressions continue to be great and what a lovely, tender moment!
I want this to continue forward into a wonderful romantic relationship but I'm concerned it'll just be a one time thing to make it bittersweet 😭
"just make them kiss, then I'll be happy. That's all I want."
*they kiss*
"...I want more."
My heart can't take how incredibly adorable that second to last panel is AAHHH ❤️
I wonder if Dachi has similar feelings.. Maybe that's why so much interest in Levi's love life? 🤔
New bisexual territory?
Great Work!
yes, Yes, YEEESSSS!!!
Loving this comic!
Now let's see how this plays out...While I really want things to work out my gut tells me it may be bittersweet by the end 😭
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but the faces you've drawn are very expressive and cute! Thanks for another lovely page. I look forward to more :)