Citizens United has worked out well for him, Thomas & Alito. Those 3 are probably showing Gorsuch & Kavanaugh how easy it is to take in dark money and enrich themselves. All they have to do is screw average Americans and please their benefactors.
SCOTUS in years passed, had been such a lofty career goal for the best attorneys in the nation. Now it’s literally a grift (Republican Appointees). We still don’t know who paid off Brett “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh’s debt. Dude owed more money than me in a bad year and poof it disappears. Nasty work.
I'm just realizing that John Roberts married Jane Roberts before destroying the country, and really: if they were Russian spies or alien invaders in a novel, the author would NEVER make it so obvious.
I was born when Truman was president.
"raising *new* questions about Supreme Court Justices' conflict of interest."
We're way past the first inning.