He never fought his own fight in his life he was a typical loud mouthed bully that would pick on someone way smaller or pay his friends to fight for him. Someone you would just slap with a backhand until he started crying. If he ever was in and won a fight you would have heard the story every day
What do you think about the idea that Trump isn’t even regarded as a serious figure by any of these oligarchs and dictators? I think they all mock him.
Trump confuses fear with respect. He wants to be respected and thinks Putin has respect from people, so he admires him. Trump and his spawn will never be respected - the entire world sees him as a dumb illiterate clown.
I agree. Everyone is. I honestly hate the idea that Zalenskyy will make a deal with crooked trumper clown and Putin for Ukrainian land. I hope that doesn't happen.
Yes, his "anti-war" is all about folding to others and calling it working a deal. His idea for ending the Russian/Ukraine conflict is to just hand everything over to Russia. THAT IS NOT BROKERING PEACE.
Trump poked him twice the other day & I thought...guuurrrl, don't be walking by any windows. 😂 It caught me off guard until I listened to DealBook Summit & his advisors signing his praises & Van Jones bashing Joe Biden. I'm over it
I swear to god we are living in an alternate reality.
They mean Trump is “personally anti-war”. As in he has not & will never actually fight. He will send our troops into a meat grinder for the right price.
Trump's too busy sitting in Putin's lap.
He’d suck his dick if Putin asked him to .
Peace for our time!
I’m flabbergasted that others don’t also see this as an insult equating him to Chamberlain.
Trump knows that’s 100% fact!
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5 times.
It's ALL lip-service from here.
We are being played like ukuleles on a Hawaiian beach.
Pardon the metaphor but it is FREAKING cold here right now. 🥶
Come to Moscow, office 12 floor. We talk about war, drink the vodka, look out open window.
Your Vladi ♥️
I swear to god we are living in an alternate reality.